Mixed Spawns Bundle causes a mix of enemies to spawn on any difficulty. It is an updated version of the original Mixed Spawns that also includes every other faction as well as other options to spice up the gameplay.
By going into the options menu, you will find that every faction has a "Mixed Spawns style" with three different options:
- Classic: Causes enemies from lower difficulties to spawn on higher difficulties.
- Deluxe: Causes enemies from most difficulties to spawn on every difficulty.
- Off: Turns off the spawn-related changes from this mod.
Classic style
- Very Hard and Overkill will have a mix of SWAT and FBI
- Mayhem and Deathwish will have a mix of SWAT, FBI, and GenSec
- Death Sentence will have a mix of SWAT, FBI, GenSec, and ZEAL
- UMP and Benelli GenSec Elites can spawn on Mayhem and above
- In Streamlined Heisting, ZEAL shotgunners and ZEAL Medics can spawn on Death Sentence
Russia and Murkywater
- Very Hard and Overkill will have a mix of SWAT and FBI
- Mayhem and above will have a mix of SWAT, FBI, and GenSec
- Very Hard and above will have a mix of SWAT and FBI
- Black Dozers can spawn on lower difficulties
- Skulldozers can spawn on Mayhem
- Black and Skulldozers can properly spawn on Death Sentence (vanilla is glitched)
- Very Hard and Overkill will have a mix of SWAT and FBI
- Mayhem and above will have a mix of SWAT, FBI, and GenSec
- G36 heavies can no longer spawn below Mayhem
- Green Dozers will spawn on lower difficulties instead of the Black variant
Deluxe style
All factions
- Black and Skulldozers can spawn on lower difficulties
- Minigun Dozers can spawn on Mayhem
- Medic Dozers can spawn on Deathwish
- Deathwish and below will have a mix of SWAT, FBI, and GenSec
- Death Sentence will have a mix of SWAT, FBI, GenSec, and ZEAL
- UMP and Benelli GenSec Elites can spawn
- In Streamlined Heisting, ZEAL shotgunners and ZEAL Medics can spawn on Death Sentence
- Every difficulty will have a mix of SWAT and FBI
- Black and Skulldozers can properly spawn on Death Sentence (vanilla is glitched)
Russia, Murkywater, and Federales
- Every difficulty will have a mix of SWAT, FBI, and GenSec
Other options
All factions
- ZEAL Marksman: Gives heavies a chance to be replaced by ZEAL Marksmen on Death Sentence. Mixed Spawns style must be Classic or Deluxe.
- GenSec light rifleman: Forces all GenSec light riflemen to be either the G36/JP36 variant or the UMP/Jackal variant. Mixed Spawns style must be Classic or Deluxe.
- GenSec light shotgunner: Forces all GenSec light shotgunners to be either the R870/Reinfeld variant or the Benelli/M1014 variant. Mixed Spawns style must be Classic or Deluxe.
- AKMSU SWAT: Gives SWAT light riflemen the Krinkov.
- AK Medic: Gives Medic riflemen the AK.
- Heavies: Forces all heavies to be either the unarmored (SWAT) or armored (FBI) variant. Mixed Spawns style must be Classic or Deluxe.
- Yellow M4 Taser: Gives Tasers the yellow Car-4.
- America Zombie: Makes the Zombie faction function more like the America faction by adding GenSec and ZEAL. Will not include ZEAL specials but will include ZEAL shotgunners in SH. Mixed Spawns style must be Classic or Deluxe.
- Scar over G36: Gives JP36-wielding Murkies the Eagle Heavy.
- Mixed Shields: Will sometimes give Shields the Chimano 88.
- Heavy riflemen: Forces all heavy riflemen to be either the M4 (SWAT) or G36 (FBI/GenSec) variant. Mixed Spawns style must be Classic or Deluxe.
- MP5 SWAT: Gives SWAT light riflemen the Compact-5.
- UMP over G36: Gives JP36-wielding Federales the Jackal.
- Heavies: Forces all heavies to be either the unarmored (SWAT) or armored (FBI) variant. Mixed Spawns style must be Classic or Deluxe.
Additionally, the heavies modifier in Crime Spree will turn all lights into their corresponding heavy. This can be used even if Mixed Spawns style is set to off.
A bunch of redesigns to try:
Not a fan of the vanilla designs? Change them!
- Definitive Old Enemies Restoration: Gives FBI, GenSec and ZEAL their pre-Update 183 designs back. Can also give SWAT their pre-Deathwish Update designs back.
- Resmod Heavy Shotgunners Standalone: Gives the SWAT, FBI, and GenSec heavy shotgunners more distinct appearances. Can be made compatible with the above mod.
- Actually SO MUCH WIN Enemies: Gives SWAT, FBI and GenSec designs similar to their old designs. Can also change ZEAL by giving them white uniforms and blue visors.
- Oldschool Enemies: Replaces enemies with Payday: The Heist enemies. Primarily affects SWAT, FBI, and Murkywater.
- Anton's Silly Shields: Puts humorous text and images on the Shields' shields.
- Resmod LAPD: Gives SWAT tan helmets, turns FBI blue and black, and replaces GenSec with FBI Elites.
- Streamlined SWATs: Makes the heavies look more armored and changes the Shield to resemble a light unit.
- Streamlined FBIs: Gives goggles to the heavy shotgunner and fixes the models of the lights.
- OVERKILL-Styled Alternate FBIs: Makes a few color changes to FBI and gives shoulder pads to the light shotgunner.
- Streamlined GenSecs: Gives goggles to the shotgunners and a unique design to the Shield's shield.
- OVERKILL-Styled Alternate Gensec Enemies: Makes a few color changes to GenSec and gives shoulder pads to the light shotgunner.
- Prettier GenSec Units: Makes various changes to GenSec's designs, such as giving colored jumpsuits to the lights and giving gas masks to the heavies.
- Streamlined ZEALs: Gives lights their old designs back and makes the heavies more gray. Can also change the Medic on DS.
- Jarey's Zeals: Gives ZEAL a black-and-white color scheme. Also changes some GenSec textures, but these can be removed.
- National Guard ZEAL Units: Replaces ZEAL with the US National Guard.
- Hyper ZEAL: Gives glow-in-the-dark outfits to ZEAL.
- Streamlined Mercs: Changes all lights and heavies to resemble the FBI variants and changes the light shotgunners to resemble a SWAT heavy.
- Russian Helmets for Russian Mercenaries: Gives a different helmet design to the
armored heavies. - Russian GenSec Shield fix: Gives one of the Shields the appearance of a GenSec light.
- Hyper Reapers: Gives helmets to the lights and heavies and colors them depending on their weapon.
- Streamlined Murkies: Gives goggles to the heavy shotgunner and changes the Shield to resemble a light unit.
- Murkywater Responders Redone: Gives tier distinction to Murkywater and just better designs overall.
- Hyper Murkies: Makes many changes to Murkywater's designs, such as giving sunglasses to the light rifleman, giving a mask and hood to the heavy shotgunner, and giving different goggles to the Cloaker.
- Streamlined Federales: Gives the Federales designs that are more SWAT-like. Unarmored and armored heavies have the same design, which is where the "Heavies" option comes in.
- OVERKILL-Styled Alternate Federales: Makes a few tweaks to the Federales, such as making them a slightly different shade of blue and giving white helmets to the heavies.
- New Policia Federal: Gives the Federales designs based on real-life Mexican police and militaries.
- Hyper Federales: Makes various changes to the Federales' designs, such as making the light shotgunner look unique and giving white shoulder pads and helmets to the unarmored heavies.
- This mod will only work if you are the host.
- This mod may be incompatible with other mods that affect enemy spawns or change the heavies modifier.
- Normal and Hard are not affected with the Classic style because they are the lowest difficulties.
Known issues
- Having Crime Spree Loud Modifiers as Mutators installed will prevent the "Heavies" and "Heavy riflemen" options from affecting the heavies modifier. This can be fixed by going into that mod's folder and deleting the ModifierHeavies file.
If you notice anything else wrong with the mod, leave a comment.