Mod compilation that will make the game harder, but you're granted the full Revenant tree for free.
Mods like changing enemy damage will not work for others in your lobby unless they also use host's mods.
Backup your saves. Game updates could also break a mod or two.
Enemies can 1-2 shot you, but you can play with some overpowered fun abilities in vanilla or modded without having the game be too easy for you.
Full Mod List: (30 mods) + (12 optional)
- Reborn Again:
Enemy Damage:
- Light SWAT: 67.5 damage --> 450 @<15m, 280 @<25m, 225 @<35m, 170 @>35m damage
- Heavy SWAT: 225 damage --> 450 damage
Enemy Weapon Swaps:
- Federales Heavy SWAT: M4 --> M4 @=0.1 firerate, @=30 magazine UNCHANGED (faster firerate than the SCAR)
- Federales Light SWAT: MP5 --> AKMSU @=0.12 firerate, @=30 magazine (same unchanged stats as the MP5)
- Light SWAT: MP5 --> UMP45 @=0.15 firerate, @=25 magazine
- Heavy SWAT: M4 --> SCAR-H @=0.15 firerate, @=20 magazine
Green Bulldozer: Reinfeld 880 --> Benelli w/ Armor Piercing Slug
Black Bulldozer: Izhma --> SKO12 w/ Concussion Rounds
Skulldozer: M249 --> M249 w/ Snail Bullets
Federales Skulldozer: M249 --> RPK w/ Snail Bullets
Minigun Bulldozer: Minigun --> Flamethrower (actually it's unstable if you don't do this annoying step so it's commented out: you can uncomment it and preload the unit in Proving Grounds every time you first load the game)
- Shield MP9: MP9 --> Deagle @=70 damage, @=7 magazine w/ Armor Piercing Bullets (AP makes healing still important)
- Cloaker: MP5 Tactical @=0.12 firerate, @=30 magazine --> AS VAL @=0.08 firerate, @=10 magazine, w/ Armor Piercing Bullets
Skill Changes:
+Revenant skills are given for free.
-Swan Song nerfed to 5 seconds max. But you gain up to 15 seconds slow mo when standing still during Swan Song.
-Minigun Bulldozer immune to ECM jamming.
Mods marked with .e have balance edits to them available in the Mod Tweak file, but you first need to have downloaded that mod.
Enemy Mods:
2.e Little Intelligence EnhancementS by fugsystem
Enhances enemy AI. I tweaked Cloakers and Tasers to react faster which is off of an older LIES version.
- Less Cops by Ark
To combo with Little Intelligence EnhancementS.
4.e Block and Replace Enemies by Dr_Newbie
Replace Medics & Medic-Dozers with Cloakers & Bulldozers. I tweaked it so only those two can replace Medics.
Marshal unit f**k off by act2498
Remove Marshals from spawning. -
Better Cops weapon usage + some tweaks by GTTOP
Make enemies stronger.
Install the main version 'Better Cops weapon usage + some tweaks', you want cops to still melee at least for singleplay.
7.e Added a change for enemy snipers to fire rockets by Dr_Newbie
Counters your Crew AI. I increased the RNG chance.
8.e More Dozers & Tasers (+2) by andole
More Dozers to spawn. More Tasers too with a copy of code.
Melee Cuff by Cop by NewPJzuza
Add more mechanics to enemies. -
Cops deploy Smoke Grenades and Flashbangs when you spawncamp them by Brofessor
Add more visual chaos, this mod has a no Flashbang version if you find them too annoying.
Skills Mods:
- Mx's - The Overhaul - New Perks, Skills, Throwables and Abilities by Solidus Mx
Buff weak perk decks, add new weapon skill trees.
12.e Enhanced Payday Experience by Hardcore Nacho
Rework several skills including Revenant. I commented out two lines causing crashes.
Known issue: using Copycat crashes you with this mod.
- Ace of Aces by Dr_Newbie
Specialization bonuses to skills but is a WIP.
14.e Mono Skill Tree Decks by me
More perk decks for new build combinations. Tweaked to use skill tree reworks' skills.
- Gage Powerup Packages by Dr_Newbie
New system for fun, but it's optional.
Sentry Mods:
Joker Sentry - Engineer Gaming - Engineer Tree Rework by Solidus Mx
Rework sentry/Engineer skills. -
Critting Sentries by ✌Playhouse✌
Buff sentry damage. -
Pick up all sentries keybind by sub
QOL buff to pickup multiple sentries at once. -
Supplement Sentry Ammo by SngLol (Host Only)
QOL buff to refill sentry ammo on melee. -
Better Sentry Hitbox by Hoppip (Host Only)
Buff sentry tankiness, but I don't think it's making a big difference.
Controls Mods:
- Prerequisite HoldTheKey for Tactical Leaning
- Tactical Leaning by Offyerrocker
Lean peek from cover, you have invincibility on some lines of sight due to how this works.
HUD Mods:
Watch Out for Enemies! / 小心敌人! by LR_Daring
Mark out Cloakers and Flashbangs, wallhacky but I think it's fair, there's a lot of Cloakers and Flashbangs so they're less annoying. -
Prerequisite HopLib for Floating Healthbars
Floating Healthbars by Hoppip
Info when aiming at enemies, wallhacky but I think it's fair, enemies aimbot you anyway.
Gun Mods:
26.e remove damage range falloff by Ember (she/her)
Make all weapons equally viable at range. Tweaked to work with every weapon.
- Prerequisite Throwables Module for Third Weapon
28.e Third Weapon by Dr_Newbie
More build combinations. I cut out everything but single pistols, primary shotguns, secondary shotguns, and bows. Shotguns because so it's not just the AP 5/7 for that slot.
Melee Mods:
29.e Melee Overhaul Revamped Updated by chrom[K]a
Hold equipped melee and optional visual effects. I removed Steam statistics function as it crashes.
Don't use the extras addon as it's incompatible with Better Cops weapon usage + some tweaks.
- Melee Overhaul REvamped (Even MoRE Fixes) by LonesomeWolf1323
Hold melee while sprinting. I only use the Melee Sprinting (F) file.
Optional Mod Pack:
Includes some graphics and gameplay changing mods. Some can negatively impact performance.
mod_overrides: (these 4 go in the /assets/mod_overrides folder)
(graphics)(remodel) HD NPC Weapon Model Replacement by Jarey_
Improve visuals of NPC weapons. -
(graphics)(retexture) High Contrast Minigun Dozer [3] by Jarey_
Minigun Dozer reskin to orange armor. I recommened to only reskin Zeal Minigun Dozers, so delete the classic reskin. -
(rebalance) Project UAE Redux by Ignacy
Adds lots of experimental weapon mods. -
(hud) Gage Package Contours by Corphix
Wallhack the Gage Package Buffs.
(animations) Delayed Ragdolls by Hoppip
More animations and a delay to ragdolls. -
(controls) Improved Single Fire input by CENSOR_1337
Make single shot weapons fire without interruptions. -
(controls) Use Perk Device In Vehicle by TdlQ
QOL buff to perk abilities. -
(crew) shit tier team a.i. by mimickette
Reduce AI count to 2. I suggest deleting charactertweakdata.lua which removes the nerf to make them stagger. -
(game) Double player tick rate by Gab
Game does faster processing. -
(melees) Better Melee Animation by 「Hinaomi」
New melee animations for some of the melees. -
(sentries) Symmetra (Free sentrygun placement) by Dr_Newbie
QOL buff to sentries to place on walls. -
(ux) Better Crew Management by Satch
Easily apply one Crew loadout to every skill profile.
More interesting mods not included:
Not included for miscellaneous reasons, but you might like 1 or 2.
(controls) Ladder Improvements (aka "I Hate Ladders") by Offyerrocker
I use it for ladder sliding.
(controls) NinJump by friendIyfire
Rework jumping and add melee dashing, if you want to play unique for melee builds.
(controls) Smart Cover Peeking by Hoppip
Auto peek over ledges with ADS.
(enemies) Medictaser by Dr_Newbie
Reintroduce Medic healing, if you think the mechanic should be back.
(enemies) Modified Winters Group by 道明寺 樱
Replace Phalanx Shields with another enemy type.
(graphics) NPC Weapon Customizer by Hoppip
Replace and or give attachments to NPC weapons in HD.
(guns) Removed Some Useless Akimbo Stuff by lumnyl
Give visual uniqueness to akimbos versus their single variant.
(sentries) Sentry Tweaks by Hoppip
Buff sentries and give AP/Auto modes specializations. Incompatibility issue with Critting Sentries so wasn't included
(skills) Armor bag for secondary loadout by Dr_Newbie
More build combinations. Possible rare crash chance.
Prerequisite Legendary Armour Skins for CSGO - Heavy Armor Suit Outfit - LAS
Prerequisite CSGO - Heavy Armor Suit Outfit - LAS for Heavy Assault Suit
(skills) Heavy Assault Suit by Dr_Newbie
Power creep the ICTV.
Gameplay Tweaks:
Enemy Types:
- Some enemies removed because they competed with others to spawn or target you, and they didn't counter you enough: Medics, Medic Bulldozers, Marshals
- Special enemies enhanced to counter Revenant abilities. Flamethrower Dozer for example negates your ability to enter Swan Song if you die from him.
- More damage enemies to make it harder.
- Little Intelligence EnhancementS (and Better Cops weapon usage + some tweaks) makes specials' reaction times much faster. Makes cops more not walk aimlessly backwards towards you. Enemies are in packs more, instead of being found alone in random areas of the map.
- Less Cops brings spawned enemy amount down to console version/old Payday version values.
- Shit tier team a.i additionally lowers enemy amount to match 3 total spawned players, which is just a vanilla feature.
- Perk deck buff mod because the difficulty can be more fun with a better perk deck.
- New skills or abilities mods can be up to you for how overpowered or underpowered you ought to be.
- Enhanced Payday Experience I like as it removes all +X bullets in magazines skills, which makes the game feel more grounded with respect to the guns, also nerfing you. And introduces new strong abilities, like gaining armor on picking up ammo.
For Little Intelligence EnhancementS, you can lower Reaction Level to Slow or Normal for an easier difficulty.
In Mod Tweaks, squishy blue-shirt cops will spawn to replace Medic Bulldozers for something easy and fun. But you could instead spawn something like Minigun Bulldozers, under Block and Replace Enemies in Mod Options.
If you want to go back to vanilla AI, I recommend using Think Faster. Vanilla does have some pros to it, like more random chaos if you like that. The AI-enhancing mods are to make specials' reaction times much faster, which is the majority of the challenge. I like LIES because enemies can still take cover and shoot you even from up to 100 meters away, making it feel more like a firefight, and enemies won't incessantly pour into your cover which keeps it chill enough and fun.
Known Issues:
I only played offline so I don't know multiplayer issues.
-Enhanced Payday Experience: using Copycat you crash when taking damage.
-Third Weapon: Rare chance it bugs with ammo and you can't swap to third weapon.
-Reborn Again: Minigun Dozer as the Flamethrower Dozer crashes you when he spawns. Here's a fix although an annoying one:
First make sure the Flamethrower Dozer weapon swap is uncommented in the code in Reborn Again/lua/WeaponSwaps.lua
[("units/pd2_dlc_bex/characters/ene_swat_dozer_policia_federale_minigun/ene_swat_dozer_policia_federale_minigun"):key()] = minigundozer.flameth,
[("units/pd2_dlc_drm/characters/ene_bulldozer_minigun/ene_bulldozer_minigun"):key()] = minigundozer.flameth,
[("units/pd2_dlc_bph/characters/ene_murkywater_bulldozer_1/ene_murkywater_bulldozer_1"):key()] = minigundozer.flameth,
Every time you load the game for the first time do this: load into this custom modded map Proving Grounds
It allows Flamethrower Dozers to spawn on regular heists without crashing. Only need to do it once on every initial game launch.
Incompatibility Issues:
-Melee Overhaul REvamped Updated Extras (only the extras addon) crashes with Better Cops Weapon Usage when cops melee bots if you're in custody. Only the extras addon causes the crash so just use the basic version.
-Critting Sentries crashes with Sentry Tweaks when you try to deploy another sentry.
Crackdown cop damage and falloff by Solidus Mx for changing enemy damage
Mixed Weapons by IareAwesome17 for swapping weapons
Marshal Slowdown by irbizzelus for snail bullets
Slow down time when you are not moving by Dr_Newbie for slow mo
Criminal Status Difficulty Names by Yansen for renaming difficulty