Melee Cuff by Cop
**Note: Due to my modding skill. This is the best thing I could do now. Sorry if you feel that this game is unplayable from using my mod :P
***Note 2: Anyone who has the older version (version 1.6 or lower) need to re-download this mod and the Update this Mod to get the auto-update feature***
What does this mod do?
- Give a chance around 20% that a player will get cuffed by any cops when they use a melee attack.
- If you got tased and then got meleed too then you can get cuffed instantly.
- Only Counterstrike skill that can help you prevent getting cuffed. (for now)
The original idea came from here and I have the same idea and agreed with his idea so I tried to make one.
And this mod was born. Though it's not the same but meh... with my skill. This is the closet one I could make I guess...
How to install it?
1. Download the file
2. Extract the file using a program, for example, WinRAR, 7-Zip etc.
3. Move the folder's name "MeleeCuffbyCop" to \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2\mods
4. Enjoy :)
How to change the chance of getting cuffed from cops' melee?
By changing the slider in mod option in-game. It has the value from 0% - 100% (default setting is at 20% Melee Chance)
Known Bugs
- Sometimes a player with counterstrike skill can auto counter most enemies without pressing e to hold melee weapon... I'll try to fix it again.
- If you got tased and got cuffed at the same time, there won't be a timer to uncuff yourself so your teammate or your AI have to help you directly.
- Fixed some serious bugs. (no timer if you got cuffed while you got tased at the same time)
- Make it works both client-side and a host side. (Now it works only on you. Sadly)
I may add an option to enable-disable this mod. (Done. Change Melee Chance to 0 and this mod won't be activated)I may add a voice line (Voice ID: "i03" that cop says "It's over", "This ends now", "Scumbag") considered it as a tuant. | Still didn't work so I'll try to fix it again. Added.- If possible I may chance the lib/units/enemies/cop/logics/coplogicarrest like more than 1 cop can perform an action or when a player got flashed then cops will charge at a player to cuff him/her.
- Add more checking methods and functions I think.
- Repolish my shitty coding :P
- Some other things I guess... gonna try harder with my shitty coding skill...
- Make counterstrike skill lower the chance of getting cuffed by cops
- Make it better :P (I'm trying)
- My own idea:
- Stop a player from getting out of a handcuff if there is at least 1-2 cops near the player (since it makes no sense if the player can pick lock a handcuff while cops are close to them. If possible I'd like to add new animation by using a tied civ lies down to the PayDay Gang)
- Let cops charge at players when a flash bank exploded and cuff them.
- Add a melee chance in a different type of cops (for example; medic has 50% chance, Cloaker has 75% chance, taser has 50% chance and normal cops still have 20% chance and so on)
- Etc.
- This is my second mod so as you can see, It's still buggy as fuc*
- If anyone wants to help, please do since my coding skill is so fuc**** up. Send me a pull request so I can check and push it on my Github.
Publish Date7 years ago
Last Updated7 years ago