An improved successor to my previous 'HD Textures For Low Poly AI Weapons' mod.
Replaces enemy NPC weapons with improved HD remakes, close to their original appearance.
Some select weapons have notable changes for either visual or lore appropriate reasons.
Models and textures are optimised for minimal performance impact, with original PD2 LODs in use.
This mod does not require SuperBLT, or BeardLib! Lightweight, perfomance and memory friendly!
Drop it to your mod_overrides folder, example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2\assets\mod_overrides
- Most weapons rescaled to accurate size. Some were freakishly oversized, or even too small.
- Swat M4 & Taser M4 new handguards and railcovers. Goodbye, extended-extended handguard.
- Gensec G36 no longer has city camo paintjob. Check images for instruction for restoring it.
- Bulldozer Saiga-12G has an optional 2013 style model. Check images for instruction for restoring it.
- Cloaker MP5 Tactical added MP5k subsonic barrel. So he actually holds the weapon, and to fit Cloaker's other subsonic weapons.
- Gangster/Thug AK47 now an AKM ("AK .762")
- Russian AK47 now an AK74 with alternate furniture
- Russian AKMSU now an PP-19 Vityaz ("AK Gen 21 Tactical"). 9mm SMG units really shouldn't have assault carbines.
- Russian RPK 30 round mag now the 'correct' size drum
Hoppip's NPC Weapon Customizer (Okay ✓)
I have made sure this mod is fully compatible with Hoppip's NPC Weapon Customizer! They are complimentary to one another. My mod replaces the default model with high quality lookalikes. Hoppip's will hide default models of your choosing, and spawn a customised Player weapons of your choosing.
This is up to personal preference. Use what mods you like, support your creators. Pick and choose, mix and match.
Hoppip's Weapon Shadows (Okay ✓)
Jarey's HD Textures For Low Poly AI Weapons (Conflict ✗)
Not compatible. Model and texture conflicts.
This new mod is an updated successor to the original.
Anything else that replaces enemy weapon models. (Conflict ✗)
Self explanitory.
- Safehouse prop weapon fixes (Some day, probably not tbh :/ )
- U.S Marshall's Northstar DMR rifle.