Hey there!
Enhanced Payday Experience aims to rebalance the game in order to make more things viable (mainly skills) and gives more build variety.
Have you ever thought "I'm not gonna spend a single point for this skill" or "why are these two skills on the same tier?"?
As I tried many different builds over the years I noticed that there are some skills that I never use and thus I thought about shifting some effects around and adding others that are not included in the vanilla version.
Miscellaneous changes
- Reduced jammer feedback cooldown
- Revive health scales more progressively with difficulties
- Fully loaded's throwable pickup made so it matches the description
Skill tree changes overview
- Forced friendship
- Ammo efficiency
- Far away
- Scavenger
- Portable saw
- Sneaky bastard
- Running from death
- Heavy impact
- Gun nut
- Rifleman
- Overkill
- Steady grip
- Trigger happy
Rebalanced/swapped effect(s)
- Lock n' load
- Stable shot
- Aggressive reload
- Third law
- Eco sentry
- Surefire
- Second wind
- Optical illusions
- The professional
- Close by
Skills with new effects
- Stockholm syndrome
- Marksman
- Saw massacre
- Dire need
- One-handed talent
- Unseen strike
- Counterstrike
- Up you go
- Feign death
For the full list of changes and the reasoning behind them, click here
This mod was created about 1 year ago, but I've never uploaded it because my crew and I stopped playing the game and then supporting the mod. I started playing Payday 2 again and I only had to fix 1 bug. Since this is my very first skill tree mod, so in case of any bug or mistake here and there, suggestions and feedback are welcome!
I STRONGLY suggest you to play this mod offline or only with people who have it!!!