ZEAL On Every Difficulty (ZEALOED)
Please use ZEAL Tier Selector instead if you want new features.
Do you have a ZEAL redesign mod but you're too big of a noob to play on Death Sentence? I have the solution for you!
- Enemies are replaced by their ZEAL equivalent
- Any Bulldozer variant can spawn on lower difficulties
- The heavies modifier in Crime Spree will turn ZEAL lights into ZEAL heavies
- In Streamlined Heisting, ZEAL shotgunners and ZEAL Medics can spawn
If you want them to have a radio filter for their voices, also install Radio Filter on lower difficulties.
New in version 2.0 is an options menu that lets you change some things.
- MP5 Medic: Causes Medic riflemen to carry the Compact-5. This will not affect ZEAL Medics in SH
- ZEAL Marksman: Gives ZEAL heavies a chance to be replaced by ZEAL Marksmen.
- This mod locks your matchmaking so you can only play with others who also have it. I haven't tested this but it should work fine.
- This mod may be incompatible with other mods that affect enemy spawns or change the heavies modifier.
- Scripted spawns are not affected.
- Due to the way weapon damage scaling works, ZEAL light units deal more damage than GenSec light units when on the same difficulty. As a result, Mayhem and Deathwish may be more difficult than in vanilla.
Some mod overrides to try
- Definitive Old Enemies Restoration: Gives ZEAL their pre-Update 183 designs back, cuz the current vanilla designs are trash.
- Jarey's Zeals: Gives ZEAL a black-and-white color scheme, similar to their old designs.
- Streamlined ZEALs: Streamlined Heisting's ZEAL redesigns but as a standalone mod.
- Actually SO MUCH WIN Enemies: Makes various changes to ZEAL's designs, such as giving them white uniforms and giving a unique model to the Marksman.
- National Guard ZEAL Units: Replaces ZEAL with National Guard.
- ZEAL Taser + Medic: Comes with a ZEAL-themed Medic design.
Also try out my other mods!
- SWAT On Every Difficulty
- FBI On Every Difficulty
- GenSec On Every Difficulty
- Mixed Spawns
- Mixed Tiers
If you are experiencing any issues, please leave a comment.

Publish Date2 years ago
Last Updated2 years ago by
