Fixed Spawns
Fixes non-America factions' spawns and weapons, making them function more like the America faction.
Unlike similar mods such as Fixed Regions, this mod has an options menu that lets you disable fixes and doesn't have fixes that have since been provided in vanilla. It also will not have any effect when used in Streamlined Heisting due to SH already providing the same or very similar fixes.
Fixes provided
- Tasers now wield the yellow M4.
- Shields now wield the C45 on Normal and Hard.
- SWAT-tier light riflemen now wield SMGs.
- FBI and GenSec lights now spawn on difficulties they belong on.
- FBI heavies on Very Hard and Overkill now wield the M4 or AK.
- FBI heavies on Mayhem and Deathwish now wield the G36.
- SWAT-tier lights and heavies now spawn on Death Sentence. Additionally, shotgunners can no longer spawn on this difficulty.
- Enemy from other factions no longer spawn with factions they don't belong (unless that faction doesn't have an equivalent).
- Yellow M4 for Tasers: Gives Tasers the yellow M4.
- AKMSU SWAT light riflemen: Gives SWAT light riflemen the AKMSU, which functions similarly to the MP5.
- G36 heavies on MH and DW: Gives FBI heavy riflemen the G36 on Mayhem and Deathwish.
- SWAT lights on DS: Puts SWAT lights on Death Sentence and replaces shotgunners with riflemen.
- SWAT heavies on DS: Puts SWAT heavies on Death Sentence and replaces shotgunners with riflemen.
- Yellow M4 for Tasers: Gives Tasers the yellow M4.
- GenSec lights on MH and DW: Puts American GenSec lights on Mayhem and Deathwish.
- G36 heavies on MH and DW: Gives FBI heavy riflemen the G36 on Mayhem and Deathwish.
- SWAT tier on DS: Puts SWAT lights and heavies on Death Sentence and replaces shotgunners with riflemen.
- Pistol Shields on N and H: Gives Shields the C45 on Normal and Hard.
- FBI light shotgunners on VH and OK: Puts FBI light shotgunners on Very Hard and Overkill. Affects the heavies modifier in Crime Spree.
- M4 heavies on VH and OK: Gives FBI heavies the M4 on Very Hard and Overkill.
- Murkywater shotgunners on MH and DW: Puts Murkywater heavy shotgunners on Mayhem and Deathwish.
- FBI light shotgunners on VH and OK: Puts FBI light shotgunners on Very Hard and Overkill. Affects the heavies modifier in Crime Spree.
- M4 FBI heavies on VH and OK: Puts M4-wielding FBI heavies on Very Hard and Overkill. Affects the heavies modifier in Crime Spree.
- No heavy shotgunners on DS: Puts SWAT heavy riflemen in shotgun groups on Death Sentence.
- This mod will only work if you are the host.
- This mod may be incompatible with or overwritten by other mods that change enemy spawns or weapons.
- Scripted spawns are not affected by spawn changes.
Enemy redesigns used in the screenshots

Publish Date4 months ago
Last Updated4 months ago by
