There are two packs in this collection of outfits: The Main pack and the Classic pack.
Main pack
Comes with 21 outfits based on SWAT, FBI, and GenSec enemies that appear in vanilla and Streamlined Heisting. These outfits are:
- SWAT Light Rifleman
- SWAT Light Shotgunner
- SWAT Light Shotgunner (SH)
- SWAT Heavy Rifleman
- SWAT Heavy Rifleman (SH)
- SWAT Heavy Shotgunner (SH)
- SWAT Shield (based on SH design)
- SWAT Sniper
- FBI Light Rifleman (based on SH design)
- FBI Light Shotgunner (based on SH design)
- FBI Heavy Rifleman
- FBI Heavy Shotgunner (based on SH design)
- FBI Shield (based on SH design)
- FBI Sniper
- GenSec Light Rifleman (based on SH design)
- GenSec Light Shotgunner
- GenSec Light Shotgunner (SH)
- GenSec Light Submachinegunner (based on SH design)
- GenSec Heavy Rifleman (based on SH design)
- GenSec Heavy Shotgunner (based on SH design)
- GenSec Sniper (from SH)
Classic pack
Comes with 9 outfits based on the pre-Update 183 designs for FBI and GenSec. Can be used even without the Main pack. These outfits are:
- Heavy Response Unit Rifleman
- Heavy Response Unit Shotgunner
- Heavy Response Unit Submachinegunner
- Maximum Force Responder
- FBI Shield (Classic)
- GenSec Elite Rifleman
- GenSec Elite Shotgunner
- GenSec Elite Submachinegunner
- GenSec Maximum Force Responder
Note: The FBI submachinegunner is not an enemy that appears in vanilla. It's just something I made for another mod that I reused for this mod.
The Main pack has two versions: The normal version and the OS version.
Normal version
Uses vanilla texture strings meaning that other mods can change the appearances of the outfits. Will not take up as much space as the OS version
OS version
Also known as the Own Strings version. Uses mostly is own texture strings, allowing you to change how the outfits look without changing how the enemies look. Will still use the following vanilla textures:
The above textures are also used in the Classic pack.
SWAT, FBI and GenSec outfits use separate texture strings from each other, unlike vanilla. This allows you to easily give one texture to one group without affecting the others.
Customization ideas
These mods will allow you to change the appearances of the outfits. Some changes can only be done with the OS version.
- Definitive Old Enemies Restoration and Some Historical Outfits for Enemies: Lets you put the pre-U183 FBI and GenSec textures onto the current models. Also includes the pre-Deathwish Update SWAT textures.
- SWATier SWAT: Turns FBI and GenSec blue, making them appear more SWAT-like.
- Black or white balaclava for SWAT, FBI and Gensec: I think you can figure out what this one does.
- City Camo for SWAT: Gives them a city camo pattern, making them look like GenSec.
- OVERKILL-Styled Alternate FBIs: Changes the lights' vests to be more black and their balaclavas a brighter green. Also gives a green-ish visor to the heavies.
- OVERKILL-Styled Alternate Gensec Enemies: Changes the lights' vests to black and their helmets white. Also gives a red-ish visor to the heavies (requires OS).
- Prettier GenSec Units: Gives colored jumpsuits to the lights and makes the heavies' armor dark gray. If you want them to have light gray helmets, you might have to get the helmet texture from another mod.
- GenSec Elite ultra elite: Gives a woodland camo pattern to the lights.
- Pre-U183-ish GenSec Heavies: Changes the armor pieces on the heavies to gray, similar to the old texture, while keeping the black pants.
If I find more mods, I'll include them here.
Q: Can I have both versions of the Main pack installed at once?
A: Haven't tested this yet but I would assume no.
Q: How do I change the textures for the OS version?
A: Go into the mod's folder and into assets/units/dcpd/armor_skins then open the shared_textures folder. Delete the texture you want to change, then copy and paste the texture that you want to use from another mod into the folder. Make sure it has the exact same name.
Q: Can the textures for the Classic pack be edited too?
A: Yes. Edit them the same way you would edit the textures for the OS version.
Q: My mask is still appearing when I wear an outfit. How do I fix this?
A: Try using Nervatel's Unmasked v2.