tl;dr: this mod completely overhauls weapon balance and makes every weapon fun and viable to use.
An updated fork of the original IREnFIST mod by Solo Queue Pixy. Thanks to the blessings of the original author, I am able to share this with you.
For FedNet icons, check out this FedNet Icons mod for IREnFIST, made by Avery.
This entire mod description is a summary of what IREnFIST changes compared to vanilla. If you want to know what this fork does differently from the original mod, check the spoiler below:
- Full VR compatibility
- Akimbos can have proper burstfire capabilities (such as on the Beretta 93R).
- All missing vanilla weapons and mods (Fugitive, Federales, Cartel Optics, Gunslinger, Jiu Feng 1&2 packs) were updated and added into the balancing
- Outdated support for some custom weapons was updated, preventing crashes that can happen with newer versions of these mods installed
- Some new custom weapons were added to the list of supported weapons (In particular, Vanilla Styled Mod Pack 1 and 2, and the Shadow Warrior 2 pack. Check them out!)
- Police assaults have been completely rebuilt from the ground up. Expect more unit/enemy variety, longer assault breaks, the return of shotgunners and hostage rescue units, and even the re-addition of cops that stay in an area to defend it.
- Police AI has seen a few interesting tweaks. Some enemies may try to arrest you if they catch you fixing a drill or picking a lock.
This mod is also available on Github (which is also where the automatic updates are hosted).
Extract the zip to PAYDAY 2/mods folder. SuperBLT and BeardLib are required. WeaponLib is strongly recommended, but is not strictly necessary.
- Weapons, weapon mods and skills have been totally rebalanced from the ground up. Guns no longer need deep skillpoint investments to be viable (though skills can still give your weapons a bit of a boost). If it shoots, it kills.
- Every weapon is now viable without being overpowered or underpowered, allowing you to choose the gun you like best, not just the gun with the highest numbers. Many weapons have been grouped together in "classes" that make balancing more consistent, while still preserving the unique feel of a particular gun.
- Different weapon classes now handle noticeably differently. Those high-caliber rifles or beefy shotguns will pack more of a punch, but in accordance with Newton's Third Law, you will feel a bit of a kick yourself.
- Fully compatible with players that don't have the mod installed! IREnFIST does not change your matchmaking key, which means you can still play with all your friends and use the mod in public games.
- Optional enhanced movement system, allowing sliding and even walljumps and wallruns.
- Rebalanced police assaults and assault breaks. Assaults can now be wiped out if you play aggressively (like in PD:TH), rather than always having to wait out the timer. Assault breaks last longer (especially with hostages), and feature the return of Hostage Rescue Teams. Additionally, Light shotgunners and flanking rifleman squads have been restored, making the cops feel far less braindead. Unit variety and squad intelligence was strongly increased.
- Supports many Beardlib custom weapons, integrating them into the mod's balancing system.
- Fully compatible with VR. VR Recoil is strongly recommended.
- Guns have been recategorized into classes (Light Assault Rifle, Heavy Assault Rifle, DMR, etc). Two guns within the same class will usually perform very similarly, allowing you to choose the gun that you like best, instead of choosing the gun with the highest numbers.
- Weapon mods now make far less of an impact. A lot of grips, stocks, foregrips and handguards will no longer affect stats at all. Barrels and Compensators might still offer stat changes. This means you can use nice-looking guns, instead of being forced to have Gage play Dr. Frankenstein for you. Weapons are viable without any weapon mods applied.
- Ammo types were reworked. Some weapons that didn't have special ammo types now have them, and shotgun ammo has also been changed. Of particular note are Breaching Rounds, allowing shotguns to breach anything that the Saw can (at the cost of making the weapon extremely short-ranged).
- The Saw has been revamped, and is now also usable as a frightening melee weapon.
- DMR's can penetrate shields. Some medium or heavy rifles (like the G3 and FAL) have "DMR kits" under their weapon mods, which will change them into DMR's, stats and shield penetration and all. A select few secondaries also have armor-piercing kits. These kits will murder your ammo pickup rates, with the upside of shooting through walls and even shields with no damage penalty.
- Ammo pickup has been rebalanced across the board. LMG's have had their ammo pickup and damage nerfed a bit, while DMR's and assault rifles now fare better.
- Bipods can now be put on snipers, and other weapons that natively come with bipods (like the Galil). Bipods on snipers increase fire rate. Bipods in general will also greatly reduce recoil.
- Melee weapons have received a stat revamp, and can be used while sprinting.
- Most weapons can now penetrate thin walls.
Weapon Handling
- Accuracy and Stability stats have been altered. While many light assault rifles see their accuracy stat at 85 (and some weapon types as low as 60), this does not mean that your bullets will fly all over the place.
- Recoil is now more noticeable. Recoil no longer automatically resets your camera when you stop firing, requiring you to constantly keep your weapon in check. Heavier weapons might have more firepower behind them, but you'll sure feel it yourself.
- Recoil is now more predictable too. Weapons have their own unique recoil patterns, allowing you to keep your recoil in check with pure skill instead of relying on randomness.
- Reload timers have been altered to better match the weapon's animations. You can now fire as soon as the weapon is ready, rather than having to wait out the arbitrary timer that doesn't match the weapon.
- Akimbo weapons can "half-reload", refilling just half of the magazine halfway through the reload. You can cancel the reload to fire sooner. This can only happen once, after which a full reload must be performed.
- Bipods are easier and quicker to place, and you can aim down the sights with them.
- LMG's now have proper steelsights. The old "side aiming" is available as either a sight mod or a toggle-able gadget.
- Most skills that relate to weapons have been changed. Magazine-increasing skills have been replaced with better and more appropriate skills.
- Some older skills from Skill Overhaul may have snuck their way into these skilltrees. Stockholm Syndrome now once again allows tied and untied civilians to revive you, as well as converted cops.
- Shared perks within perk decks have been changed to more "meta" boosts (like XP bonuses), instead of magical headshot and damage bonuses.
- Sicario's smoke grenade cooldown has been changed back to the original 30 seconds.
Misc Changes
- Assault waves have been rebalanced to be more PD:TH/early PD2-like. The overall amount of cops active at a time has been slightly reduced, and assaults now have more reasonable spawn pool numbers. This allows you to actually exhaust an assault force early if you play aggressively enough.
- Assault breaks last longer, particularly if you have hostages. If you have hostages, expect Hostage Rescue Teams to show up and try to free any hostages.
- An advanced movement system has been added. This allows you to slide, wallrun and even walljump. Can be turned off in options.
- Cop voices of heavier non-special units have been changed to sound more radio-like.
- Cops are now harder to intimidate and intimidation relies on multiple factors, like in older versions of the game. Try to catch a cop whose squad was wiped out or a cop who is reloading! This option can be disabled in the mod options.
- FBI SWATs and City SWATs now use the l4d voice prefix, which gives them a voice that sounds more like PD:TH voices (radio filter). FBI Tans now use the l5d prefix, which is an alternate voice set that is otherwise unused. This option can be disabled in the mod options.
- Gangsters will now have more combat chatter, and will change their voice lines based on the heist.
- A lot of information about weapon mechanics and enemy units can be found in the Crimenet codex.
Mod Compatibility
Compatible Mods:
- Sydch's Skill Overhaul: Technically compatible, but support is somewhat outdated. The mod changes too fast for me to keep up with, and the difference in hook methods (BLT vs. BeardLib hooking) means that it's hard for me to keep the compatibility updated.
- Armor Overhaul: Fully compatible. InF's flak jacket ammo bonus tweak will be disabled if Armor Overhaul is present.
Known incompatible mods:
- Full Speed Swarm is not compatible, due to some invasive changes that FSS does for the sake of "optimization". Installing FSS may result in crashes, with your crashlog simply pointing at a random vanilla function.
- Iter (and FSS with certain settings) can make cops behave less intelligently, and is therefore incompatible with most of the assault and AI tweaks that this mod does. You can still use Iter, but you do so at your own risk. Don't expect the shotgunners, flanking riflemen or hostage rescue units to be very smart with Iter installed. Removing Iter is strongly recommended.
- Any mods that change weapon stats or change the stats/blackmarket GUI's might not be compatible.
- Unsupported custom weapons will most likely have wrong stats.
- Assault Tweaks Standalone is already included in IREnFIST. You should not install both.
- WolfHud might delete breaching rounds on shotguns and makes them unusable. If you want to use breaching rounds, either find a way to disable this feature or remove WolfHud.
- Any mod that changes weapon stats is obviously not supported.
IREnFIST works with many custom weapons, but they have to be explicitly supported for the stats to be correct. A full list of supported custom weapons can be found here:
Supported custom weapons:
AAC Honey Badger - http://modwork.shop/24303
AAI LSAT - http://modwork.shop/20604
AF2011 - http://modwork.shop/22866
AK Pack - http://modwork.shop/23414
AK-12 - http://modwork.shop/17262
AK-12/76 - http://modwork.shop/17628
AN-94 - https://modworkshop.net/mydownloads.php?action=view_down&did=22261
AN-92 - https://modworkshop.net/mydownloads.php?action=view_down&did=20187
Automag .44 - http://modwork.shop/21366
Beretta 93R - http://modwork.shop/20956
Beretta ARX-160 A2 - http://modwork.shop/24749
Beretta Px4 Storm - http://modwork.shop/22208
Bren 10 - http://modwork.shop/24512
Browning Auto-5 - http://modwork.shop/19643
Browning Auto Rifle - http://modwork.shop/19340
Bushman IDW - http://modwork.shop/24501
CheyTac M200 - http://modwork.shop/19469
Chiappa Rhino 60DS - http://modwork.shop/22142
Contender Special - https://modworkshop.net/mydownloads.php?action=view_down&did=20829
CZ-75 Auto - http://modwork.shop/22087
CZ-75 B - http://modwork.shop/22095
CZ-75 Short Rail - http://modwork.shop/22811
CZ-75 Shadow - https://modworkshop.net/mydownloads.php?action=view_down&did=17445
Desert Tech MDR - http://modwork.shop/21375
DP-12 - http://modwork.shop/23918
DP-28 - http://modwork.shop/24175
FABARM STF-12 Compact - http://modwork.shop/23188
Fang-45 - http://modwork.shop/24779
FN SCAR-L - http://modwork.shop/19799
FN SCAR-L M203 - http://modwork.shop/18892
G11 - http://modwork.shop/24309
G3A3 M203 - http://modwork.shop/23676
Gepard GM6 Lynx - http://modwork.shop/21262
Gewehr 43 - http://modwork.shop/22047
Golden Gun - http://modwork.shop/25285
High Standard HDM - http://modwork.shop/25186
HK416 - http://modwork.shop/19357
HK416C Standalone - http://modwork.shop/24403
HK417 Standalone - http://modwork.shop/24398
HK VP-70M - http://modwork.shop/22836
Howa Type 89 and Type 64 Rifle - http://modwork.shop/19024
HX-25 - http://modwork.shop/21556
Kel-Tec RFB - http://modwork.shop/25201
Kolibri - http://modwork.shop/21290
KS-23 - http://modwork.shop/20471
L115 - http://modwork.shop/17368
L1A1 SLR - http://modwork.shop/20141
Lahti L-35 - http://modwork.shop/22822
Lewis Gun - http://modwork.shop/23892
M1 Carbine - http://modwork.shop/18425
M2HB - http://modwork.shop/22764
M2019 Pistol - http://modwork.shop/22941
M3 Grease Gun - http://modwork.shop/21932
M40A5 - http://modwork.shop/17238
M45A1 CQBP - http://modwork.shop/23959
M60 - http://modwork.shop/18469
M6G Magnum - http://modwork.shop/24816
Magpul PDR - http://modwork.shop/19233
Makarov - http://modwork.shop/19587
MAS-49 - http://modwork.shop/25303
Mateba Model 6 Unica - http://modwork.shop/17527
Marlin Model 1894 - http://modwork.shop/19086
Maxim 9 - http://modwork.shop/21635
Mk 14 EBR - http://modwork.shop/24419
MK18 Specialist - http://modwork.shop/24593
Minebea PM-9 - http://modwork.shop/20433
Molot Vepr-12 - http://modwork.shop/20644
Montana 5.56 - http://modwork.shop/19076
Mossberg 590 - http://modwork.shop/19287
Nagant M1895 - http://modwork.shop/19115
Obrez (secondary weapon) - http://modwork.shop/23857
OTs-14-4A Groza - http://modwork.shop/18565
Owen Gun - http://modwork.shop/24014
PB - http://modwork.shop/25191
PP-19-01 Vityaz - http://modwork.shop/19661
PPS-40 - http://modwork.shop/22543 (partial, no weaponmod support)
PPSh-41 - http://modwork.shop/17438
QBZ-97B - http://modwork.shop/22952
Remington ACR - http://modwork.shop/19917
Remington R5 RGP - http://modwork.shop/24594
RPD - http://modwork.shop/17484
Salient Arms International GRY SBR - http://modwork.shop/22369
Seburo M5 - http://modwork.shop/22962
SG 552 - http://modwork.shop/20574
Sjogren Inertia - http://modwork.shop/24146
SKS - http://modwork.shop/17243
SR-3M - https://modworkshop.net/mydownloads.php?action=view_down&did=17333
Steyr AUG A3 9mm XS - http://modwork.shop/21427
StG 44 - http://modwork.shop/20460
SVU (primary) - http://modwork.shop/18211
SVU (secondary) - http://modwork.shop/21280
Thompson M1A1 - http://modwork.shop/21273
Trench Gun 1897 - http://modwork.shop/19392
Tokarev SVT-40 - https://modworkshop.net/mydownloads.php?action=view_down&did=21029
TOZ-34 - http://modwork.shop/17297
TOZ-66 - http://modwork.shop/17439
Akimbo TOZ-66 - http://modwork.shop/22462
TT-33 - http://modwork.shop/21371
Walther P99 AS - http://modwork.shop/21105
Welrod - http://modwork.shop/22178
Widowmaker TX - http://modwork.shop/22859
Winchester Model 1912 - http://modwork.shop/21962
Zenith 10mm - http://modwork.shop/22776
Desert Eagle Duet - https://modworkshop.net/mod/27215
FN Five-seveN MK2 - https://modworkshop.net/mod/26609
FN MK 17 MOD 0 - https://modworkshop.net/mod/26539
Galil ACE 23 - https://modworkshop.net/mod/19075
Glock 19 - https://modworkshop.net/mod/24822
Glock 17 Gen 3 - https://modworkshop.net/mod/24018
Half-Life 9mm Pistol - https://modworkshop.net/mod/23960
Heckler & Koch HK433 - https://modworkshop.net/mod/30992
Magpul FMG-9 (and Akimbo) - https://modworkshop.net/mod/17369
M4 SOPMOD II - https://modworkshop.net/mod/26127
M45 MEU(SOC) - https://modworkshop.net/mod/29545
Mars Automatic - https://modworkshop.net/mod/26009
McMillan CS5 - https://modworkshop.net/mod/21267
Sig Sauer MCX Virtus - https://modworkshop.net/mod/31137
S&W M&P 40 - https://modworkshop.net/mod/17644
ST AR-15 - https://modworkshop.net/mod/25386
Vanilla Mod Pack - https://modworkshop.net/mod/24482
Vanilla Mod Pack Vol. 2 - https://modworkshop.net/mod/28248
If you would like me to add support for a particular custom weapon, drop a comment below or open an issue on Github. Please note that due to mod authors changing weapon or weaponmod ID's, some previously-supported custom weapons could instead cause crashes on startup. If this is the case, please open an issue on Github and attach your crash.txt so I can fix it.
Special Thanks:
- Solo Queue Pixy, for making the mod in the first place
- Carkidd, for helping me test, putting up with the crashes, and being cute
- Kuziz, for giving me advice and giving me the U37.1 cop surrender presets
- SgtJoe, for giving me advice on the assault tweaks and helping re-adding old units
- Carl, for creating and submitting code for compatibility with custom weapons
- Sydch, for making a cool skill overhaul mod and for helping provide compatibility with it
- RedFlame, for suggesting a performance improvement related to attention_objects, and for pointing out the U173 change that makes defending cops not actually defend an area.