DMR Sniper Penetration Ability

i want it to apply to guns that have the dmr kit mods or IS a DMR by default like the m308 oh also my reason is they are dmrs they are basically snipers that shoot faster and deal less dmg so they should have sniper pen too

Feature Request
(Poster)1 month ago(Edited)

Additonal Comments
this feature probably would make it a good contender for the snipers or atleast a fun one


There is a few lines of code in weapontweakdata referencing armour, shield and wall penetration on weapons that you can add in your own rebalance if you know how to do that.


I think weapon attachments like DMR kit though will be looking for weaponfactorytweakdata code though, which you can find on the sidebar of the github thing I sent.

You're probably going to want to look at the code for the shotgun AP rounds attachment.


@aaalicethegoat nope i dont thats why im asking for help


@mann-1 Ah, well. You could easily take any old attachment or weapon tweak mod and simply remove the irrelevant code from its .lua file and add your own being the lines relevant to AP assuming what you're doing is just a personal use thing.


@aaalicethegoat it would be fine w me if it wasnt a personal use mod and just a quality of life mod on mod workshop i just want if someone could make it


@mann-1 I would need a list of every weapon in the game you want changed if I were to do it. I think the DMR kit attachment is mostly the same across weapons and I already have code for that for my own personal rebalances so that would already be easy to find.


@aaalicethegoat the m308 and the dmr kit attachment i think only needs to be changed


Gotcha, that's easy. I will see if I have time one of these nights

(Poster)3 weeks ago(Edited)

@aaalicethegoat btw the gewer 3 is a br so i didnt include it

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