No Escape Missions

Im probably not the only one who requested this, but i cant see a mod anywhere. Its exactly what the title suggests: disabling the Escape Mission. If you dont remember, in countless heists, there is a chance for it to, instead of immidiatedly succeeding or going to the next day, you get into an Escape Mission (unless you bought the Expert Driver/Pilot asset)
The reason i want a mod that would remove this (perhaps by manipulating the chance of an Escape Mission to 0%) is that its just... stupid. Overkill thinks that its a good idea to punish Loud players by making them do an annoying Escape Mission. I wouldnt have a problem with it, if all the loot that you got wouldnt turn back into bags, and you had to wait for an escape, and loot it in under like 4 minutes, while also having to defend said loot ALL THE TIME!

Its just a stupid way of motivating players to do stealth or buy a super expensive asset that also requires a skill, which costs additional skill points. What else do you want me to say about this?


i think the RNG Modifier mod has an option to disable escapes


I heard of that - but i dont want to have something that takes away more storage than it needs to. Just that ONE thing. Thats it.



the mod is 2 mb bruh it aint gonna take up storage


@lettuce-3 Still, i dont need some big new menu for that and that and that. Just that ONE thing.

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