Map Request Entry Point - Deposit Mission

The Mission From Entry Point Called Deposit would be pretty cool in payday 2 also if someone is gonna make it make it so the deposit boxes are empty expect for the package u need to get and the money scales with players 1 player 1 cash 2 players 2 cash 3 players 3 cash 4 players 4 cash also make it so there is heat sensors and make the guard count scale on difficulty the exact same numbers as in the orginal mission and make it so there is 2 choices to get in the vault idk 1 sensor shutdown idk if u can do that in payday 2 2 window of oppurtunity some guards having no pagers might be needed so do that if it is needed


For loud sounds great but for stealth there would be lots of things to set up and change to adapt it to payday 2's stealth style. And for the deposit boxes i feel like it should work as normal like, hacking the manager's computer or searching on the archives are both ways to help find the deposit box with the phoenix stash in it, but might aswell make the other deposit boxes have loose loot. (And perhaps adding the Raven gun in one of the deposit boxes as a rare chance easter egg referencing an april fools update entry point had)

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