Wednesday Enthusiast's Payday 3 Audio Modding Guide

Wwise? Never heard of it!
Converting your audio file size to a Hex Number? No! No!
HexEdit no more!

Wednesday Enthusiast's PD3 Audio Modding Guide

  • Information on: Setup, Dependencies, FModel, Repak, and Essential Tools.

Audio modding is a lot easier and a billion times faster using this method (I have suffered through HexEdit like an idiot up until now. Don't make my mistake).


Hey, can you possibly help me with something? I've been trying to replace the VIP music on Rock the Cradle with another song but the song is longer than the original music and when the original song would loop it cuts off and never comes back. Can I fix this?


Sorry for the late response Ema. I'm getting the same thing. Strange. I tried it the normal way and tried skipping the hexedit/benceutility part like with a main menu track, but no luck. I did find this mod however, which accomplished this with a loop. I can't tell if they just made them the exact same length and made their song loop at that point or not. Because if not, I don't know what they did to achieve this. If I have some time tomorrow, I'll look into this further.


Hi, Ema! I've done some testing and I got a working version. Strangely it didn't work at the exact same length as the original file, nor all the way to the 2:23 mark. Everything up to the 2:22 mark seemed to loop perfectly for me.

In addition, it seemed the loop point didn't stay at the same second (according to the in game timer without No Intro Sequences). I was getting loop points at 2:06, 2:08, and probably others I didn't get a screenshot of. Very weird.

It also doesn't seem to be a file size issue from what I tested. I tried using a file that was 17.7 MB, but significantly longer (3:31), compared to the original file size of 26.0 MB, but no luck looping. However, it broke at around 2:30, which is even more confusing.

So, from what I was able to get working, a file that is as long as 2:22 should loop fine. Let me know if it still isn't working for you or need anything else. Once again, there may be another solution or exact problem I am unable to see right now.


Ah, thanks! It's working now, kinda annoying it has to be under 2:22. I appreciate the help!


Everytime I try to make an audio mod following these exact steps, I am either getting a completely empty result with no audio, or the audio plays for half a second and then stops. I am unsure if I'm doing something wrong, or if BencesUexpUtility is just cursed for me


Hey there! Sorry for your troubles. It could be a bit rate issue with your audio and the game audio. Usually this issue would produce a high pitched version of your audio or sometimes mute it. I keep my modded audio at 2304kbps, which works for me every time. Try reexporting your audio to this bit rate and see if that helps. If you need more help message me on Discord (wednesdayenthusiast), so I can better help you.

To check your bit rate: right click your audio file, go to Properties, go to the Details tab and look at the Bit rate under the Audio header.

If your bit rate is already at this value or changing it didn't help, I'll try using your audio and see if it works on my end.


Hi - when I get to the step that says "Drag and drop your renamed file onto the BencesUexpUtility.exe", it gives me an error that says "uexp file not found" - what should I do about this?

Also, which "pakchunk" seen in fmodel contains weapon sounds? I'm losing my mind going through every single one trying to find 685268767.wem, for instance

EDIT: Okay, I figured out all that, but in-game my sounds aren't being replaced, and after a few seconds the game stopped playing audio, and when i tried to exit the level the game froze and needed to be killed with task manager. Any idea what went wrong?


For finding sounds use my resource. Then follow "Loading All Assets in FModel" to instantly find the audio without going through folders.

I assume your sounds are muted and not still playing the regular game sound. This most likely means it's a bitrate issue. If you follow "How To Bulk Export Audio" in the guide, this should fix your issue. Your audio files should be at 2304 kbps to fix this. If you are still having trouble, or just want better instruction add me on Discord (wednesdayenthusiast).


@wednesdayenthusiast Thanks for the reply - I've since fixed the issue and gotten everything working, but I then tried to do an MP5 sound mod and I'm having issues. I replaced the sounds labelled as mp5_proto_fire_reg_core_close_001 through 005, but that's not changing the MP5's firing sounds, and there's nothing else it could reasonably be. My assumption is that it grabs sounds from a different weapon - any idea what it might be using? I already tried the MPX, and it doesn't use those.


@carterg4 If by MP5, you mean the Boy In Blue DLC weapon, that would be under as "WPN_ATK7". I believe the sounds you are replacing are prototype sounds not in the game. Weapon sounds start with "WPN_" at the beginning of their Media name.

Here is the current list of every weapon media name.

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