Flat is justice.
Thanks to PlayBONK for adding the satisfying reload animations and reworking the recoil animations!
Guts will appear as the Remington 870 (Reinfield880) and is unlocked at level 40.
True to its depiction in CP2077, Guts is NOT a weapon of subtlety: it's loud, kicks like a psycho, and packs a huge punch.
Stat Notes:
Damage is rather high for a shotgun at 255 at base. This is enough to oneshot headshot mobs without using shotgun skills.
Ammo capacity is subpar at a 5 shell tube/4 spare tubes, for a total capacity of 20 shells.
Ammo pickup is set at a relatively small base pickup of 0.5-1. Considering the high base damage of the gun, this should be plenty as long as your shots are on point.
The worst aspect of Guts is its sluggish 60 RPM fire rate, roughly matching the speed in CP2077.
Accuracy is whatever at a base of 48, just point and shoot at typical videogame shotgun ranges and Guts should land a kill.
who cares about stability on a pump action, the slow RPM means the kick is a non factor unless you purposely got rid of the re-centering animation like with Hoppip's Serious Shooter.
Concealment is set at a dump stat of 5, dont bother trying to use it in dodge setups.
Your weapon modding capability is somewhat limited, with just different ammunition types and gadgets.
Considering that Guts is already a ridiculous one shot close range cannon, I dont think muzzles, sights, or Buckshot rounds are really needed.
Known Issues:
-The shells ejected are the Payday 2 12G buckshot and not the larger caliber 23x75mm KS-23 shells. This doesnt affect gameplay, but as details go, there are functional limits to our attention to detail considering I already bugged BONK about 5 times on recoil anims already.
Probable Future Asked Questions:
Q: Spinny wholesome chungus Neo Matrix man gun?
A: We had the Malorian in a playable state, but it's bogged in development hell. Trying to make the Malorian 100% accurate to the game also makes its features prone to crashing, so uh, idk when we'll get around to making a simplified version.
Q: Can we get poison damage and ricochet modifiers so the gun is just like CP2077?
A: Poison damage you can get from Tombstone Slugs (yeah yeah DLC/sending overshill money, I know).
As for the Ricochet characteristic, Offyerrocker has proven it's doable with the Malorian, albeit at the cost of making the weapon fairly prone to crashing. So for the sake of avoiding complexity problems, I think Guts will remain without ricochets.
Q: Any more Cyberpunk 2077 weapons?
A: I am pretty sure Nya wanted to commission the NDI Osprey, but we hit the roadblock of being unable to source models/textures/sounds.
Q: Wait then how did you texture Guts then?
A: I didnt, this is from Artstation. I tried to texture the actual Budget Carnage mesh from CP2077, but, uh, someone joked that my attempted was more Mr. Beast color scheme than Guts.
A: Go in the main.xml and change the stats yourself.
A: I'm not so sure Guts is suited to vanilla Payday gameplay, since it will absolutely delete enemies in one hit, but its slow RPM and mediocre pickup will kill you against hordes of SWATs. Maybe it has a niche as a special BTFO button with shotgun skills?