Time to party like it's 2023...
The Malorian Silverhand will appear as the Desert Eagle (Deagle) and is unlocked at level 77.
The Malorian Silverhand aims to translate its appearance in CP2077 (before update 2.0) to Payday: a flashy, high damage hand cannon that penetrates walls when aiming down the sights and has bullets that ricochet off walls when hip-firing.
Stat Notes:
The Malorian's damage is significantly higher than the vanilla Desert Eagle at a base of 180. This is a compromise between its lore, its feel from the initial Johnny Silverhand flashback, and vanilla Payday balance. It is probably broken, but fun and feel trumps game balance.
The rate of fire is rather slow at 150 RPM, as a translation of its fire rate in CP2077.
Magazine size is 10 rounds, just like in CP2077.
Ammo capacity is 6 total magazines, same as the vanilla Deagle.
The Malorian has a base ammo pickup of 1-3, which should be plenty.
The base accuracy is higher than the vanilla Deagle at a base of 84, but still fairly pinpoint accurate.
Stability is a dump stat due to the slow rate of fire.
The most unique aspects of the Silverhand come from Offyerrocker programming in the special Malorian Silverhand perks: if you are aiming down the sights, you will be able to penetrate through walls (but NOT shields) while hipfiring allows you to ricochet bullets off of walls.
Note that the aim down sights pentrating properties purposely does not penetrate shields, as an initial test version of the weapon DID have shield penetration, but then the Silverhand just became a superior FiveseveN at that point and relatively uninteresting beyond its flashy animations.
Lore: ( Written all by Nakima c: )
The 3516 is a unique heavy pistol made of an excellent quality and a number of them are considered super luxury items. Throughout the years, improved versions of the gun were manufactured, each one more powerful than the last.
One of its 14mm iterations had a rare solid titanium frame that was manufactured in space, allowing for an almost zero chance of imperfection in the casing. A custom Dyna-porting and direct integral cyber-interlink meant only someone with a cyberarm and smartgun link could take full advantage of the pistol's features. Another one of its versions was very unique. Semiautomatic, equipped with a prototype smart link and compatible with various ammunition types. Moreover, you could use it to create a fire "breathing" attack that was produced by the cartridges loaded inside the pistol.
Manufactured by Malorian Arms, the 3516 was the most famous and powerful personal handgun on the market in the year 2020. Eran Malour developed this radical new design to the personal specifications of famous rockerboy Johnny Silverhand, who wanted something that could end a cyberpsycho'ed fan at 100 paces, no matter how protected the fan was. The price was not a problem for him.
Over the years,** Johnny wielded different Malorians, each one more powerful than the previous.** His last one was as powerful as an anti-tank gun, and thanks to his special cyberware arm and shoulder, it didn't tear it off from the recoil when he fired it.
Johnny wielded the Malorian until his death in 2023 during the AHQ Disaster. Shortly afterwards, a former pararescue firefighter known as Samantha Stevens somehow recovered some of his possessions, including one of the Malorians. She kept it with her for decades, keeping the weapon in a good state via the use of cosmoline.
During the Time of the Red, the 3516 were extremely rare and sought, making it more expensive than it was in the 2020s, thus it was extremely rare to even find one for sale.
In the late 2030s, after encountering a group of Night City edgerunners who were trying to find an unreleased song of Samurai, Samantha gave them the task to transport a crate to Los Alamos in New Mexico. Before they left, the woman took aside one of them, a mercenary known as Zara, and gave her, in a wrapped package, the Malorian she had found, telling her that the owner was never going to use it again, adding that she seemed the right person to carry it for him. During their journey east from Night City, Zara unwrapped the gun, realizing what it was, but afraid to confirm it. Despite her fears, she eventually linked to it and used it to protect her friends. She then discovered that the gun's interface boosted her situational awareness to very high levels, giving her a seemingly supernatural accuracy and a palpably cold eagerness. The gun's cyber interface had been modified to create almost cyberpsycho levels of feedback, which damped down the user's normal emotional reaction to combat situations, and gave them a robot-like control. The group eventually succeeded in their quest, and Zara decided to keep the gun.
*At some point after Johnny was killed, Adam Smasher recovered one of his Malorians. He eventually gifted it to his right-hand man Jeremiah Grayson, who kept it until 2077, when V and Rogue Amendiares took it back from him.
Q: More Cyberpunk 2077 guns?
A: Not likely to happen. CP2077 uses proecedural texturing as opposed to having preset textures like in many other games. It was a miracle that Nakima's friend provided the textures from Blender texture baking.
Q: I know it's broken, but I would like the Malorian to always pierce shields! How do I modify the stats to do so?
A: You'd need to ask Offyerrocker, who coded the unique weapon base.
Q: why do the textures look weird? lol
looks at rjc
A: this is one of the few guns I added skinmaps to for a reason, I dont think there was any way for me to salvage what textures I was originally given from Nakima
I would highly suggest one of the metallic colors from infamy like the chrome color
Q: The Malorian is too broken/not broken enough!
A: Go into the files and change it yourself.