Inspired by IREnFIST.
General philosophy for this mod:
- Make ALL weapons equally viable across all difficulties
- Nerf/update damage related skills to make players rely on them less
- Provide fun new, or updated old skills, to increase build variety
Gilza is not trying to achieve realism by basing weapon stats off of weapon caliber/real life performance, and it's not trying to make every weapon deal same DPS as a bulletstorm RPG either. One and only thing this mod is trying to do, is make all guns viable, so you can pick whichever one you want, be it because of how it looks, sounds or whatever else.
Description bellow this part notes every single change made by this mod, including reasons/ideas for some of the changes. It is VERY long, and that's the intention. It's unrealistic for you to remember everything, so having this "guide" will be useful.
Going through all the changes might not be a good idea if you are here for the first time however, so you can check out this summary:
Mod re-balance summary:
For info on exact values check descriptions bellow.
General changes:
All enemies have same amount of health on all difficulties, with values being similar to vanilla Death Wish difficulty.
Headshots now only deal 2x damage, with exceptions for some specials enemies. This makes bodyshots more effective.
Melee rework:
Melee weapons now deal % damage. If your melee has 35 damage, it will deal 35% of enemy's health in one hit. Some enemies are exceptions to this rule.
Neutral card #6 now allows you to pick up grenades, but at a lower rate then "Fully loaded" skill.
Some perks received minor buffs, and 2 new perks were added - "Brawler" and "Speed Junkie".
There is no way for me to make a summary here, you can check the "Skills Legend" picture on top of the skills tab. It summarizes info on all skills like if a skill was updated or not, if it was overall buffed/nerfed in power, and how different it is from it's vanilla version. Check out whatever you think might be interesting :)
Weapon Changes:
Damage and ammo:
All guns are now categorized under a "damage class" - most weapons will have a strict base damage value without fluctuations like 66.4 vs 65.2.
Ammo pick up is now dependent only on weapon damage class, and it is much much worse. You HAVE to use both of your weapons, and even then you can still run out, especially on lengthy heists.
Most guns will feel like they have more recoil.
Recoil camera compensation is almost completely removed.
Horizontal recoil is much less random, but a bit stronger.
Weapon recoil now depends on your base stability: weapons with low base stability will have extremely high recoil, and vice versa.
Weapon accuracy and stability are no longer affected if you: crouch, jump, walk or sprint. However, both accuracy and stability have a penalty* if you are firing from the hip. Aiming down sights removes this penalty.
All weapons have a 25% accuracy penalty* if used in full-auto fire mode. If you use the select fire keybind to switch weapon to single-fire mode, it will gain it's full accuracy.
* - This penalty is applied after your weapon stats, which means that even with 100 accuracy and/or stability, your weapon will still not have perfect accuracy/lowest recoil.
DMR kits and some long barrels were converted into "AP kits" that can penetrate shields, body armor and walls.
More weapon mods have descriptions now, and with much more detail.
Every shotgun will now deal a minimal % of it's damage with every shot. % depends on the shotgun type.
On your first try, this mod most likely will feel harder then the base game, before you get used to new weapon handling. Afterwards it can feel overall better or worse, depending on your overall playstyle and build preferences.
If you want to give this mod a go, note some things:
- FrenchyAU's 'tacticool' weapon attachment packs are STRONGLY recommended to use alongside Gilza - they all received stat updates with Gilza, and some weapons might potentially be worse, without Frenchy's packs. Check Gilza's dependencies & Instructions tab for links.
- Install other required mods, located under dependencies & instructions tab. Without 'Auto fire sound fix' some weapons will have mismatching full-auto fire sounds, due to updated weapon's firing speed. And "The fixes" mod is only mandatory when you install and uninstall this mod, just to make the process a bit more safe for you.
- More Weapon Stats is also recommended if you are a stat nerd, and want to see all weapon stats in game by yourself.
General changes
- All enemies have same amount of health on all difficulties, and it's roughly the same as it is on vanilla Death Wish difficulty. (Bulldozers on DS still have 2x health)
- Headshots now only deal 2x damage. Exceptions: Cloakers (2.8x), Bulldozers(6.5x), Captain Winters and his shields(4x), and 'Crude Awakening' heist boss (1x)
- Vehicle FOV was changed from base 75 to 90 - you can change it in mod options in game
Important for sections bellow: Right click on images to view them in full size by opening them in a new tab.
Global/neutral perk deck cards
Common card #2 - Getting a headshot multiplier from perk decks creates a weird disbalance towards beginning players, and also doesn't make much sense. So skill from common card #8 was moved here instead.
Common card #6 - You can now pick up throwables from ammo boxes without investing into "Fully Loaded" skill. This should increase variety in weapon and perk choices. To compensate, throwable pick ups now depend on your chosen throwable. Also, pickup chances overall are much lower then the "Fully Loaded" skill.
Common card #8 - Random 5% damage increase in vanilla PD2. Why? Now you receive more movement speed from basic parkour and bag throwing bonus from basic transporter. Those skills were adjusted accordingly.
Individual Perk updates
Introduction of COPYCAT perk deck, made rogue obsolete, because health regen, invulnerability and dodge ricochet are better then extra 5% dodge. To balance this out, rogue now gets slightly more dodge, mobility and a more consistent AP chance.
Updated the way armor recovery works with this perk to make it more unique, interesting, and slightly better. Most likely will break HUD mods that show armor recovery.
Damage increase was changed due to melee rework. Hidden infiltrator duration buff was reworked, so now both decks have an increased window for follow up hits of 4 seconds.
Gambler overall is a niche deck that can rarely work well, and it's health regen can feel inconsistent, especially if your teammates run builds with berserker and are always on low health. Instead of providing 20% extra health per teammate, it now provides 40% extra health if at least 1 teammate has more heath. This should make it more consistent, but your max possible burst healing is reduced. Ammo pick up range can stack with same skill from Ammo Specialist sub-tree.
Added armor buffs to make running at low health slightly less dangerous and make snipers and turrets less annoying.
Smoke bomb cooldown was reduced from 60 to 40 seconds. That's it.
Line of sight requirement was removed to make this perk easier to use, and the effect duration timer increase you get per kill was buffed, to make the effect last longer easier. This perk will most likely still feel underwhelming, but at least it will be easier to use.
These changes were made to Hacker to make it less spammy and annoying, and a bit harder to use, while keeping it's power at roughly the same level.
New Custom Perk Decks
Note: you can reset your perk progression in Gilza's mod options to re-acquire perk decks, allowing you to try new custom perk decks without grinding XP to unlock them.
Deck with a hard focus on melee weapons' usage.
Note: brawler changes are not multiplicative/additive in a standard way. Whenever you are shot, brawler reduces incoming damage first, and then the leftover damage is reduced by your skills. Ammo reduction is applied after all the other ammo related skills, so you can not negate this downside with other skills.
You can gain adrenaline stacks by moving quickly - faster your speed, more stacks you gain. Adrenaline stacks provide bonuses - up to 40% dodge, 40% reload speed, 40% interaction speed (!!) , and 100% weapon swap speed. This perk should feel really nice for those who like to move quickly, but beware of potential downsides if you overindulge in such high adrenaline activities.
Skill changes
Some skills had their icons and names updated to match new functionality better.
Basic version of inspire is barely used, unless you specifically enjoy listening to shouting voice lines, or a teammate is carrying a heavy objective bag. With this change you should be incentivized to use it more often.
This skill only provides accuracy bonuses now
Similar to old version, provides bonuses while ADS'ing. Includes some new changes.
Buffs LMG's if you use them with bipods, and provides an alternative defensive playstyle for them.
Basic version's value was increased from 15% to 20% and was fixed to actually apply a 20% bonus. In vanilla PD2, bonus was slightly lower due to some code oversights.
Amount of damage that is dealt in the radius is no longer affected by current HP of the target that was hit, or how much damage your shot dealt due to headshots - graze now always deals 33%/66% of your sniper's damage in the radius. This damage can only be increased with other damage related skills. Minimal trigger distance was added to incentivize sniping. This should provide a more consistent experience while using graze, while also reducing it's effectiveness.
ADS speed bonus was moved to "Shotgun Expert"
Increased damage is no longer needed. Now provides extra stability and ADS speed instead.
Magazine increasing skill from previously named "Close By" aced skill, was reworked into this one, to let any shotgun get benefits from it. Bonus itself is lower, but this skill now also prevents you from using ammo on a successful roll.
Aced version now provides a similar effect to "Saw Massacre" while using Shotguns. Boost for killing a panicking enemy can be received with any weapon. Note that not every panicking enemy will trigger the boost, but only a specific "full panic" animation. I recommend using the pop up notification to figure out how it looks, you can disable it after.
This skill is not required anymore to use shotguns effectively, so the bonus damage was reduced. Reload speed bonus should make non-magazine shotguns better with this skill, and increased duration should make aced version of the skill better.
This skill was updated because throwing power bonus was moved to perks. New aced functionality is really fun, but requires a hefty skill point investment.
Aced version now provides ammo pick up for the saw, making it more viable.
Since you now can pick up grenades without this skill, nade pick up was increased compared to vanilla PD2.
This skill only provides stability bonuses now
This skill is more beneficial if used with high rate of fire weapons and since most high rate of fire weapons in Gilza have lower damage, damage change was added to make this skill equally viable for all weapons. Additionally, your weapon's threat stat will multiply the base chance by up to 2x times, which favors certain weapons and attachments.
This skill was previously improving your hip-fire weapon handling. Now it does the same thing, but works specifically with new Gilza weapon handling penalties. For more info on new penalties check the weapons tab.
Aced version now has a 50% damage penalty when dealing damage through body armor. This is a compensation for new weapon effectiveness with bodyshots. Can stack with new "Body Expertise" basic.
Basic version now provides armor piercing at a reduced damage rate, like "Surefire". Both basic and aced versions of this skill now also cut your total ammo pick up, since you don't have to go for headshots anymore (except for Bulldozers) which helps your overall accuracy to go up.
Insider assets like keycards and better getaway driver are viable for loud, not just stealth, so if you want to run it for loud builds, it's now cheaper at 4 skill points instead of 7. This skill is the only one in this tree that is viable in loud now.
Overall left untouched, other then some skills were moved around. Bodybag asset and civilian cleaner costs were moved here to make it more "logical". If you were going for full stealth build, you would get shinobi tree as a whole anyway, so it should not affect stealth that much.
Overall left untouched, other then some skills were moved around. Spotter and spycam assets were moved here to make it more "logical". If you were going for full stealth build, you would get shinobi tree as a whole anyway, so it should not affect stealth that much.
Basic version's 10% movement speed was moved to general perk cards, so new extra jump height functionality was added to compensate.
This is exactly the same skill from vanilla, but it's now cheaper at tier 3 instead of tier 4. "Dire need" functionality was moved to "Backfire".
Basic version is vanilla skill "Dire need" but slightly worse then it's aced version. Aced version is "Shockproof" aced combined with new electric bullets upgrade. You can now roleplay as the tazer.
New dodge focused skill that will help most dodge builds by providing extra safety, for moments when your armor is broken. This skill favors armor-dodge like Crook or Speed Junkie perks, but only on lower difficulties.
Magazine capacity was removed, to avoid confusion when using revolvers. Rate of fire effect is smaller, compensating for pistol ROF adjustments - more info under pistols tab. Reload speed moved from skill previously known as "Desperado" to here.
Now combines effects of skills previously known as "Trigger Happy" and "Desperado" into one skill, to make left side of this tree focused on pistols. Effectiveness is slightly reduced compared to vanilla PD2.
Now provides new bonuses to akimbo weapons, to make right side of this tree focused on akimbo weapons.
Now provides increased ammo capacity for small-caliber weapons, and can help both sides of the tree.
In vanilla PD2, "Up You Go" aced provides you 40% more health when revived. However, this bonus is applied to the health bonus that is set per difficulty, so to the 10% health you get on mayhem and above. Because of that, you would only receive 14% health when revived with this skill instead of the expected 50%. New version provides a flat 25%, so on mayhem+ you receive 35% health when revived. 7 skill points for 4% extra health is dumb, thus the change.
Whenever a teammate goes down you will now move at a normal movement speed for 3 seconds, to help you get to your teammate and revive them. Duration was increased to 9 seconds, because 6 is not enough. Infinite ammo was swapped however, to prevent players from abusing this skill to kill enemies at a cost of 0 bullets fired. Damage was increased to compensate the ammo change.
This skill now reduced camera shake from melee attacks to make melee playstyles more comfortable. Skills were also moved around to favor non-melee builds better. If you are not planning on using melee weapons a lot, you most likely will try to avoid getting close to enemies, so extra knockback should be more helpful if you get suddenly surrounded.
Only the base version was updated, specifically the numerical values, to match the new melee rework damage.
New skill to make your melee's feel better.
Whenever you counterstrike an enemy you will also deal damage to them, if you are looking at them. Otherwise you would damage whatever is in front of you.
Instead of providing a damage increase at all times, now provides a temporary boost that gets triggered when your armor is broken and your health is below 50%. This is an overall nerf that makes this skill not as reliable. But, as an upside, you can now use healing skills to keep your health at 30% with frenzy or more without it, to avoid being killed by snipers. Also due to the nature of anarchist perk deck and it's armor gating, you could upkeep this skill for the majority of your game with it, especially on higher difficulties.
Visual screen flash preview: (Color, size, and how exactly it flashes, can be adjusted in Gilza mod options.) Preview link without downloading.
Weapon changes
Due to the 30k charachter limit that was introduced to Modworkshop in version 3.0, i can't fit all the changes in here. To checkout all weapon tweaks, you can use this link.
Custom Weapons Support
This mod will automatically search for custom weapons and convert their damage stats to work with Gilza's health changes. Beware: some custom weapons may have attachments that change damage/ammo pick up or other stats in such a way that it will not match Gilza's values well, making them either too good, or bad. I can't do anything about it, other then manually adding support for every gun individually, and that is just tedious.
Currently supported attachment mods:
All of FrenchyAU's tacticool attachments packs (250+ attachments). Check Gilza's dependencies & Instructions tab for links.
Custom "special" weapons are not supported.
Additional QOL features
- While charging your melee weapons new melee UI will appear showing your charge amount and damage in %. This can be tweaked or disabled in Gilza's mod options.
- You can spoof Gilza's custom perks, to avoid being kicked in public lobbies. Can be disabled in Gilza's mod options.
- You can reset your perk progression to re-acquire perk decks, allowing you to try new custom perk decks without grinding XP to unlock them. This option does not reset amount of perk points you have already earned.
Known issue:
You will crash when entering a heist, while using Jackal SMG or one of the Chimano pistols, with certain attachment combos. This can only happen to weapons modded before installing Gilza. Remove any gadgets from them to prevent this.
Supported languages (depends on your SuperBLT's language):
- English
- Russian - а именно все навыки, перки, описания оружий и элементы меню. Всё остальное может быть на английском.
Enjoy figuring out your new META and please provide feedback if something feels way too powerful.
Good luck, have fun! :D

