MW2019 MP5
Publish Date3 years ago
Last Updated3 years ago

what line of the stats do i edit theres a bunch


Most stats can be edited within the "<stats .... />" tag.
Be very careful when editing. Forgetting to close a quotation mark, or accidentally deleting the / at the end will cause the XML to break.

Not all stats will coorespond to how they appear ingame, fire rate strangely being calculated by the equation "60/(X)=Fire Rate", where X is what you input for in fire_rate="(X)".
Mira's Custom Weapon Creation Guide can help you on how stats work on custom weapons.

For the main weapon's stats check the <stats .../> underneath the <Weapon> tag.

For a certain weapon mod's stats, check under each individual Weapon Mod.
If you're stuck on which internal ID cooresponds to what part, check the localization, like with "mpapa5_stock_full" being the internal ID for the Classic Straight Line Stock.

If you're looking to modify the pickup rate of the 10mm Auto Magazine, check Weaponfactorytweakdata in the hooks file.

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