The best friend of hyperactive airsoft roleplayers.
This weapon was sitting in my hard drive for a long while, since December of 2021. Since MW2022 was just announced, I figured I may as well release it now for everyone instead of keeping it hidden away.
I originally wanted to update the HK Pack's MP5 due to getting the HK MP5 master blend file off of GT's Github, which is why I appear as a collaborator despite doing nothing with the HK MP5. However, the blend file just contained a ridiculous number of non-rigged parts and Germantacos expressed a desire to redo the pack with Tarkov assets (whenever he's not into his Minecraft/D&D roleplaying sessions).
To respect the blonde femboy tsundere's wishes and to not taint his possible pack with my texturing "skills", I moved the MW2019 MP5 parts off to a separate weapon.
I don't think you can call the MW2019 MP5 a successor to the HK pack, as it is more of a cousin weapon.
The MW2019 MP5 is based on the vanilla MP5, appears as a secondary weapon, and is unlocked at level 15.
The MW2019 MP5 is like the vanilla MP5, but less sucky: better damage and accuracy, but less total ammo.
Stat Notes:
The way I approached the MW2019 MP5 was to try and make it as close as the MW2019 version as much as possible: 833 RPM, passable accuracy/stability, and easily breaking the 4 hit headshot threshhold.
The MW2019 MP5 has a base damage at 51, stronger than the vanilla MP5 and enough to go into the 4 shot headshot territory with some ammo mods (More Ammunition Types) or skills.
Your default magazine size is 30 round and get 5 total magazine's worth of ammo (150 bullets). Lower than the vanilla MP5, but plenty to hold down the trigger and spray enemies down with. The ammo pickup is 3-9 at base, which is once again lower than the vanilla MP5, but still plenty to spray and pray with.
Your accuracy is higher than the default MP5 at 56, though the stability is far lower at a base stability 64. That's not too big of a problem when the MP5 had mild recoil to begin with.
The base concealment is slightly lower at a base of 22, though there are plenty of concalment boosting mods that easily get you to the high 20s/low 30s in concealment.
For customization, most of the MW2019 unique MP5 parts appear: the various barrel attachments, the magazines, the stocks, the 10mm Auto rounds, and so on. Due to Greyhound being cut short, I only have the exclusive parts and the strapped parts available for use.
There's also a unique "sight" mod that tries to replicate the shooting stance from the Night Vision modes in MW2019. Use with a laser sight and that night vision mask for as accurate of an experience as possible. Note that Weaponlib seems to have night vision/scope overlay issues, so just re-enable the night vision mode on the mask and you're good to go.
I do realize I could have done something similar to Gambyt's Point Shooting Gadget from the Vanilla Mod Pack, but at the time of making the mod, I was not aware of Gambyt's Point Shooting gadget.
Known Issues:
Equipping any of the suppressed handguard/short handguard will cause muzzle attachments to use a weird position due to how the barrels are set up. This is solved by re-equipping the handguard.
Probable Future Asked Questions:
Q: Please add more MW2019 Guns!
A: No
At this rate, I wonder how many people want to heist for my hard drive for the MW2019 weapons sitting in my storage.
If you're going to ask for the AS VAL, don't ask me, because I think Humphrey on MWS is working on the MW2019 AS VAL. I wish them all the success and luck on their endeavours.
Q: Please add more MW2019 MP5 blueprint parts!
A: Greyhound is not being updated due to Ricochet, so you are stuck with whatever parts I could got before Ricochet was implmented/what assets I could find in asset dumps.
Q: Skinmaps?
A: No.
Q: Primary version?
A: Use Secondary to Primary or use GT/KW's HK Pack MP5.
Q: REEEE the tryhard SMG is 2 stronk/2 week! Needs buff/nerf!
A: Go into the main.xml and change the stats yourself.