Halo: Infinite © Microsoft Corporation. "Halo Infinite MA40" was created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" using assets from Halo: Infinite, and it is not endorsed by or affiliated with Microsoft.
Thanks to Masavik for the great animation work!
The MA40 is unlocked at level 0 and will appear as the F2000 (Union 5.56) to other players.
Just like in Infinite, the MA40 deals reliable damage per second with controllable kick, but suffers from poor accuracy compared to a typical FPS assault rifle. It also lacks customization options, so what you see is pretty much what you get.
Stat Notes
The MA40 has subpar base accuracy of 44, but several of the default attachments bring the MA40 back into the average accuracy band in the mid 50s/low 60s. This is intentional, as I want to encourage you to running the default setup instead of trying to find the stupidest looking builds which offer the most numbers. For example, the default flash hider copies the Tactical Compensator/Surefire 556K muzzle brake for the +12 accuracy and the default handguard flashlight copies the DBAL statblock of +4 Accuracy/-4 Stbaility.
If you hate the MA40's relative lack of accuracy thanks to Halo mechanics, use Body Expertise, use accuracy boosting skills, or get up close and personal to enemies.
The MA40 has higher base ammo pickup at 5 minimum, but subpar (for a 60 damage rifle) maximum ammo pickup at 6.5 per pickup. In addition, the MA40 has an above average magazine size at 36 (true to Halo) and fantastic spare ammo capacity of 180 (5 mags). You are going to need all that ammo to counter the relative inaccuracy of the MA40.
The MA40 has an average rate of fire of 750 RPM, same as in infinite.
The damage is set to 59, on par with the F2000 and keeping the MA40 in line as a spray in pray weapon.
The concealment of the MA40 is average at 17, but default attachments bring it lower to 15. You don't get any other unique attachments to boost your concealment anyways.
A unique quirk of the MA40 is its built in Armor Piercing (but not shield or wall piercing). The Armor Piercing benefit is only there so your missed headshots actually do damage to the common swats with body armor.
Probable Future Asked Questions:
Q: REEE y u boolly MA5 series?!?!?!
A: Because I get to write the descriptions.
Also, the MA5 ass "rifle" was horrible in most of its appearances because you were supposed to drop it for a precision weapon and/or something stronger to fit Halo's arena shooter influenced combat loop.
Q: Can we get some of the Halo Infinite skins like the NERF skin or the Evolved MA5?
A: I am not really adept with working with the Infinite shaders and baking textures is obnoxious. I only revived this out of cold storage by random chance in between commissions.
Q: Pls make some Covenant Weapons such as the Covenant Carbine or Fuel Rod Cannon, or Energy Sword!
A: I dont think I can afford Zdann's SFX pricing for plasma projectiles.
Q: How does the compass work? Does it point towards anything in particular?
A: According to Offyerrocker, the compass points towards yaw=0, which is effectively just an arbitrary north.
Q: REEEE halo ar too weak/stronk, please buff/nerf!
A: Go into the files and change the stats yourself.