Ever wanted to do dodge but hated how not fun it was compared to other options in your arsenal? Ever wanted to reach the crit chance level of Unseen Strike but hated waiting constantly for buff activation? Ever considered making a full-on DS/OD dodge build but then remembered that the meta favors using only pistols or only shotguns instead of something more level-headed and practical?
Look no further.
This mod adds one new perk deck, titled the Professional, to the game for you to play with. In most accurate terms, it's dodge/crit meta shenanigans for people who don't like it when the meta forces you do something you otherwise never would do. In so many words, it's basically hitmaroguinder.
Here's a breakdown of what this perk deck does:
Perk One: Elusive Your chance to dodge is increased by 15%.
Perk Three: Formal Training
You gain 15% additional dodge chance. Your concealment rating is increased by 2.
Perk Five: Deep Breaths
Your Akimbo stability penalty is decreased by 16, and you carry 25% more ammo with Akimbo weapons.
Perk Seven: Kill Chain
Killing 2 enemies in 4 seconds with Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Pistols, or Sniper Rifles grants you 15% dodge chance and 15% critical hit chance for 6 seconds. WARNING: UNSEEN STRIKE IS DISABLED WITH THIS SKILL EQUIPPED. You swap weapons 80% faster.
Perk Nine: Double Tap
Multikill critical hit chance bonus increased to 25%.
So you can see what this is. It's a version of Rogue that gives you some extra points of concealment in case you want to put sights on your weapons or something and lets you boost your critical hit chance to 55% which is just barely enough to tip the scales in your favor with DMR-type weapons and the like, and does all of this at the cost of locking you into taking a front-liner role to keep up this critical hit chance and get your dodge chance up to a level that doesn't get you killed.
All in all, a competent perk deck, even on DS/OD, but one that physically requires you to be out in the front a la Grinder in order to be even remotely effective. And, of course, this deck lacks any form of health or armor regeneration entirely, so the risk you take by doing so is more than high enough to keep it in check.
Requires BeardLib.
Goes in mods.
Known Issues:
- I should probably find better perk icons.