you would not believe how fucking painful making this was.
The Butcher: "Gentlemen, today I bring you something interesting. This little kitten might look quite unassuming for what it is, yes, but deep under the, er, fur it holds quite the powerful surprise. She has an electronic chip in her that lets her modulate her... purring? to, uh, er... Erm. I made a poor choice of metaphor, I apologize. To the point, this diminutive submachine gun's firing mechanism is unique in that it is regulated by a dedicated microprocessor, giving you far greater freedom in what you load it with and how you utilize it. I trust you'll make good use of this feature, as you have with other products of mine in the past."
Adds one new SMG to the game, being the entry-level gfl meme Parker-Hale PDW, to the game. This bad boy is, in effect, a TEC-9 with far less ammo but better stats.
And also, of course, variable performance including but not limited to a special bonus ammunition type that's basically a godsend for any of you body expertise users. That's nice too, isn't it? Damn right it is.
Future Roadmap:
CAFCW support Done -KW
Make textures better-looking i guess done!
IDW-themed weapon skin done!!!!!!!
Learn to model properly
Requires BeardLib.Requires SuperBLT.Requires WeaponLib.Supports Custom attachments for custom weapons.Supports IREnFIST.
Goes in mod_overrides.
Known issues:
Heister's pinky finger clips through weapon handle in first person. I, uh, oops.
Fuck that stock texture is ugly.
Speaking of the stock, the manner in which the stock is depicted is completely unrealistic - the actual real IDW, as far as we know, had a collapsing stock and not a folding stock. Unfortunately, I lost the .blend file of the IDW to a drive error and don't have any feasible way to rectify this. fixed!!!!
There's also the fact that I had to balance it around being able to remove the stock (read: tec9 can hit 30 concealment but without a removed stock this gun can't) to begin with.
Tfw this is actually a decent weapon