This is a legacy version of OAP. Please install the second edition of OAP instead unless you know what you're doing.
alternative title: 30-year-old airsofter mod pack.
When this mod first released, it was relatively simple. Three new, and three straightforward, weapon mods, with a tacticool tier one operator theme tying them together. Over time, it's transcended beyond being needlessly mall ninja and clamoring for concealment - it's become the modpack that does what the Gage Spec Ops Pack did not.
The Spec Ops Pack's entire theme was making guns that once sucked suck slightly less. Guns that otherwise lacked advantages could be made to reload swiftly. Weapons that couldn't hit anything could be made to be accurate. Weapons that were useless for crits were suddenly adept crit cannons. But what it did was fairly limited, and even then all of it being stuck behind a paywall was a bit of a middle finger to the average heister.
What this modpack does, however, is take that core idea to another level. While, like its predecessor, it may be outwardly themed around operations and operators (and also only have like 2-3 actual operator attachments included), it does a far more in-depth and arguably stronger job of strengthening weapons that once fell short of their true potential than its predecessor ever could have.
Attachments that let you sacrifice handling for concealment more freely. Attachments that let you power through breakpoints without sacrificing stats or without sacrificing concealment. More nozzles and suppressors for more flexibility. Ammunition types to make weapons that were once useless lethal again. New and competent replacements for DMR kits. And, most importantly, a weapon mod that frees you from your shackles of modding your weapons for damage first and performance last.
These also all have skin support or something so if it wasn't already nice enough it should be now.
Mod list thus far:
- War Dog Foregrip (DDM4V1 Handguard): Hefty amount of damage, fair amount of accuracy/stability, penalty to concealment.
- Kryuger Foregrip (SOPMOD II Handguard): Hefty amount of damage, fair amount of concealment, penalty to accuracy/stability.
- Geronimo Stock (SOCOM Stock): Significant penalty to stability, metric ****ton of concealment.
- Rabbit Pump (807MCS Breacher Pump): Fair amount of concealment, penalty to stability and reload speed.
- Bagram Foregrip ("QC9" Foregrip): Modest bonus to damage and concealment, penalty to handling and ergonomics.
- Collapsed Stock (Collapsed SCAR-H Stock): Huge penalty to stability, huge boon to concealment (hey, it's what ovk did for the M1014).
- No Stock (No Stock): No Stock (No Stock) it's for the mp9.
- +P+ Rounds (100-ish damage ARs/SMGs): Grants ability to penetrate armor, shields, and enemies, increases damage, lowers ammo pool and pickup rate.
- Hollow Point Rounds (45-ish damage ARs/SMGs): Reduces ammo pool and pickup, improves damage and threat. Basically just an ammo type rebalance mod but bigger.
- Hollow Point Rounds (60-ish damage ARs/SMGs): Reduces ammo pool and pickup, increases headshot damage bonus by 30%. Basically it forces you to not spray and pray but allows you to hit important DW/DS headshot damage breakpoints with suppressed weapons in exchange. I'd say it suits an operator-themed modpack well enough, yeah? Fo' sho.
- OB/SD Magazine (California-compliant magazine): Makes the Cavity 9mm run ammo-positive in exchange for less mag capacity and performance against specials.
- Cheap Rounds (Really shitty and/or old rounds): Makes the Galant run ammo-positive and carry more ammo in exchange for worse handling and less lethality against specials.
- Waifu Sights (Waifu sights): Oh god no.
- Barracuda Rounds (Generic .223 +P+ rounds): Makes the Bootleg perform more like the pseudo-LMG it was clearly intended to be. Slower reload, worse stability, more damage. Lots more damage.
- Assault Nozzle (LANTAC Dragon Compensator): Like a Fire Breather, but not!
- Sierra Suppressor ("Blackhawk" Suppressor): Like a TBTB Suppressor, but not!
- Megalith Suppressor (SilencerCo Osprey Suppressor): Like a pistol suppressor on crack!
- Magwell Grip (Magpul MWG): It's a grip for your magwell.
- QRF Magazine (Taped Magazine): M308 magazine with
poorly-modeledduct tape added for character. And for cushioning! - Match-Grade Rounds (100-odd damage SMGs/some rifles): Reduces damage, improves ammo count and pickup. Again, like a rebalance mod but on a larger scale.
- Heavy Conversion Kit (MP5/10 Kit): Yet another Compact-5 rebalance. Wooo.
- Lightweight Magazine Kit (UMP-9 Kit): Makes the Jackal more normal.
- Specialist Magazine Kit (UMP-40 Kit): Makes the Jackal a little more unique. Maybe.
- Gunslinger Grip (BCMGUNFIGHTER Grip): Some concealment for some spread. Good on the Bootleg, great on the Jackal, godly on the Goliath.
- Eightfold Blessing Grip (Cadex Grip): Some spread for some concealment. Good on the Bootleg, great on the Union, godly on the UAR.
- Contractor Grip (base-game TTI Grip): Another pip of concealment for the Eagle Heavy.
- Aestus Grip (base-game bastardized AFG): A nice bit of handling for the Contractor.
- Over-Gassed (Over-Pressurized Internals): Hampers handling, increases fire rate by 25%.
- Under-Gassed (Under-Pressurized Internals): Helps handling, reduces fire rate by 25%.
- Match Trigger (160-odd damage snipers): Makes oversampling rarer in case you need to panic-fire.
- StrikeAir Rounds (Remington RJHP "Golden Saber" Rounds): Converts 40-odd damage pistols to 70-odd damage pistols.
- Straight Bolt Pull (Bolt-action Snipers): Lets you shooty FASTER.
Requires BeardLib. Requires WeaponLib. Supports Custom Attachments for Custom Weapons. Supports IREnFIST. Supports Rail Covers.
Decompress into mod_overrides.
Custom weapons that this grants cool bonus features for:
- Pretty much every one that uses gas piston stuff that isn't mentioned here (thanks Lambda!)
- HK416
- Remington R5 RGP
- R0933 .300BLK
- Beretta ARX-160 A2
- AAC Honey Badger
- Minebea PM-9
- Remington ACR-C
- HK416C Standalone
- LaRue OBR 5.56
- CZ Scorpion EVO A1
- TTI TR-1 Ultralight
- HK417 Standalone
- Zastava M21A
- Bulldog 7.62
- AEK-919K
- HK G11
- Steyr AUG A3 9mm XS
- MK18 Specialist
- Noveske N4 Diplomat/Afghan
- AK-12
- HK416A5 Frontline
- Q Honey Badger
- M45A1 CQBP
- 9A-91
- FMG-9
- Maybe a few more I haven't been able to list yet because I have yet to sort my crap
- Comment more weapons and I'll probably add them :D
Known Issues:
- SOPMOD II foregrip on the M16 and M733 leaves you with no front sight. I, uh, just use an optic like a normal person.
- Extremely mild bit of clipping on some barrel extensions with the Kryuger Foregrip on the CAR-4 if you have the short barrel equipped.
- It's entirely possible that you can get a crash by equipping a DMR kit on a weapon with +P+ rounds or vice versa. I haven't been able to reproduce this on my end, but if something similar happens on your end please be careful.
- There's some SERIOUS clipping going on if you equip the MWG and the custom whateverthefuckitis lower receiver from the AK/CAR mod pack. If you want to hit breakpoints but don't want clipping, either install Alcat's MOE furniture mod for that epic +4 damage foregrip, install my own TTI attachment pack for a clipping-free +2 damage lower receiver, or just use hollow points so you don't have to give a shit about the damage statistic in the inventory.
- UMP9 magazine looks a little... funky.
Future Roadmap:
Brute-force custom weapon support for the MWG.Brute-force custom weapon support for the Waifu Sights.BCMGUNFIGHTER vertical grip.- The final content update.