Alright ... 4 months ago i requested a HUD mod that would recreate Borderlands 2 HUD, requested was ignored. So a month later decided to take matters into my own hands, with only real issue being me having almost no lua modding knowledge and after 3 months of insanity I've somehow managed to come up with this...
Main goal for me was to attempt on creating a unique HUD mod that isn't another INFO-HUD, Reskin or HUDPack.
In its current state its still W.I.P. project, but I'm confident that it should be stable enough to release it to the public, tho I expect there are still plenty of visual bugs / crashes that most likely lurk around somewhere. There is still plans for features that i want to add as well as some suggestions that i got during the "Early access" stage.
Requires :
Not compatible with other lua huds that change the behavior of the vanilla hud
HUDList , Poco and all that should work just fine. ( For Poco there few lines that need to be changed that are included in the README ( Which i forgot to add in 3.005 update (still forgot to add it ... the poco lines are now bit lower around 1177 , if using adoles community version that is ... ) so here is a pastebin for it ) , only because while i could make my HUD detect Poco, i couldn't change the values that i wanted. )
You can use part of WolfHUD using this temp-fix thing before i make it a bit more compatible :
HUDList offsets that i use (You can adjust these to your own liking) :
Right : 205
Left : 240
Center/Buff : 20
And keep in mind that this is my first lua mod, and i somewhat have no clue on what i'm doing, so be gentle on me x)
To install simply extract the files from zip in to your main Payday 2 folder and overwrite when prompted ...
Something something install video thingy
Special thanks to Krisp, KeyC13, Aory, SICKdistic and everyone else who took part in the Early Access stage of BL2HUD.
Official Steam group :

I keep crashing, heres the log
Application has crashed: C++ exception
[string "lib/managers/hudmanagerpd2.lua"]:556: attempt to call method 'set_ability_icon' (a nil value)
payday2_win32_release (???) ???
payday2_win32_release (???) zip_get_name
payday2_win32_release (???) zip_get_name
payday2_win32_release (???) ???
payday2_win32_release (???) zip_get_name
??? (???) ???
??? (???) ???
??? (???) ???
??? (???) ???
??? (???) ???
??? (???) ???
??? (???) ???
??? (???) ???
??? (???) ???
Current thread: Main
I have installed the C+++ thing but this crash still happens, help please?