Hello everyone,
I am working on some custom gage package models. I did everything according to Gunsmiths's tutorial for custom weapons (it's translatable since thos are just custom models as well.) but the game keeps crashing on me with merely the access violation message in the crash log.
Currently working on the green package (gen_pku_gage_green):
- The custom mesh has replaced the original mesh
- It is renamed to g_green
- I exported to obj with "Include edges" (Ithas no sharp edgesso I didn't mark any), "Write Normals", "Include UVs", "Triangulate Faces" and "Objects as OBJ Objects".
- In the model tool I imported the obj (no "Add new items" checked), entered the name as "gen_pku_gage_green.model" and exported it. This resulted in a file size of 1kb, so I redid it with "add new items" checked resulting in a file size of 334 kb.
- The texture was edited according to the tutorial, exported and renamed accordingly.
- Since the model doesn't have a normal map I used a flat 50% gray texture and edited that according the tutorial, exported and renamed accordingly.
- All files were then placed in the respective folder in a test folder in mod_overrides.
The game now crashes when loading a map.
How do I properly compile a model that actually works ingame?
So no idea why it wouldn't work?
If the output .model size is 1kb whenever not selecting "add object", it means that it didn't read correctly the original .model file
Make sure that you first import the gage package .model file,then import the .obj straight away.
If i am not mistaken , gage packages also require you to select import .obj (2nd UV),re importing again your custom .obj
Eureka! Thank you Gunsmith Noob. My mistake was not loading the original model first. I have zero experience with model in the Diesel engine (only Source engine) so I didn't even consider that. I am in your debt.
Eh don't worry,it's a common mistake ; i shall fix my guide so it's a more explicit step
Dont select add new items, make sure that you have renamed the package to the exact same as the original one - what the original part was imported into blender as
make sure to also rename not just the obj group, but the mesh too