Hey yo, it's Trav here, I've returned to the forum (kinda). I wasn't really ever completely gone but I haven't posted on a thread in quite some time :3
Wondering if anyone can give some opinion on whether I should get Battlefield 1. I played the beta on Xbox One once, for like 30 minutes. I haven't owned a single battle field game until about a month ago, when Battlefield Four when on sale for ~$5 on Xbox One so I bought it and I've played it in total for maybe an hour. Need to do it more (but can't since Forza Horizon 3 is out and I'm occupied with that :3 ).
Wondering if you guys think Battlefield 1 would be good (on PC AND Xbox), and how you guys liked the beta. Give me your thoughts, would like some opinion before I spend $60 in a few weeks.
I played the beta a decent amount and definitely enjoyed it. Personally I wouldn't preorder it just based on BF4 which was a similar case for me. I.e. Enjoying beta and buying it, I only played about 50 hours of it. However, from what I've played of bf1 I would say that IMO it is one of the better BF games out of this series of 'similar gameplay' ones.