Hey yo, it's Trav here, I've returned to the forum (kinda). I wasn't really ever completely gone but I haven't posted on a thread in quite some time :3
Wondering if anyone can give some opinion on whether I should get Battlefield 1. I played the beta on Xbox One once, for like 30 minutes. I haven't owned a single battle field game until about a month ago, when Battlefield Four when on sale for ~$5 on Xbox One so I bought it and I've played it in total for maybe an hour. Need to do it more (but can't since Forza Horizon 3 is out and I'm occupied with that :3 ).
Wondering if you guys think Battlefield 1 would be good (on PC AND Xbox), and how you guys liked the beta. Give me your thoughts, would like some opinion before I spend $60 in a few weeks.

I played the beta a decent amount and definitely enjoyed it. Personally I wouldn't preorder it just based on BF4 which was a similar case for me. I.e. Enjoying beta and buying it, I only played about 50 hours of it. However, from what I've played of bf1 I would say that IMO it is one of the better BF games out of this series of 'similar gameplay' ones.
Thanks :) that does kinda help. I've heard many people with similar thoughts, that this is a better refresh of battlefield gameplay than its predecessors, and actually spices things up.

I played the beta a decent amount and definitely enjoyed it. Personally I wouldn't preorder it just based on BF4 which was a similar case for me. I.e. Enjoying beta and buying it, I only played about 50 hours of it. However, from what I've played of bf1 I would say that IMO it is one of the better BF games out of this series of 'similar gameplay' ones.
Thanks :) that does kinda help. I've heard many people with similar thoughts, that this is a better refresh of battlefield gameplay than its predecessors, and actually spices things up.
Yeah, it's nice to go back to where those kind of games started. I find the World Wars far more interesting than generic futuristic/modern day weapons that you see repeated all over the place.

Battlefield is the best FPS in terms of guns, Knifes, Grenades, Physics (though beaten by Sniper elite apparently), Vehicles, Level destruction and 64 player servers :D (Thought Defience has a 128 player pvp), As for the the voting options Hardline had a great launch so they are improving on their launches

Battlefield is the best FPS in terms of guns, Knifes, Grenades, Physics (though beaten by Sniper elite apparently), Vehicles, Level destruction and 64 player servers :D (Thought Defience has a 128 player pvp), As for the the voting options Hardline had a great launch so they are improving on their launchesYeah, I guess hardline had a good launch, but in general I have heard the game is horrible. If you're looking for large player games, just play Planetside 2, the map is like a whole country and there are much more than 128 players, it holds Guiness world record for most players in an online FPS game, with 1158 players concurrently in one map/battle
Not really interested in BF1, maps seem to be kind of boring and WW1 is pretty limiting.
Honestly I think that WW2 would be much more fun to play, but that's just my opinion.
(BF: BC, BC2, and 2142 masterrace)
I agree, I think WWII would have been much better imho.
I played the beta a decent amount and definitely enjoyed it. Personally I wouldn't preorder it just based on BF4 which was a similar case for me. I.e. Enjoying beta and buying it, I only played about 50 hours of it. However, from what I've played of bf1 I would say that IMO it is one of the better BF games out of this series of 'similar gameplay' ones.