Introduce yourself!


This is where you, yes YOU, can introduce yourself and tell us all about yourself.
Since I opened the thread it seems like I go first.

I live in Romania, however I am originally from Germany.
I am one of the guys that keep this Website running, the others are some of my best friends :)
That's it about me.

So, who are you?


Guess I'll contribute.

Name's Leon (19) and I work with random textures ever since I was little.
Photoshop is one of my biggest hobbies and I love playing around with it to have fun or just to calm me down.
Game modding has been a big thing of mine since I was 12 and edited textures in the original Fable in MSPaint and some model swapping too.
I moved to tile mapping for Pokemon GBA roms freelance when I was 13-15ish and to this day can do a great job at it.
I picked up skinning for TF2 form 16-18 and never really had time for it since my life went all downhill as soon as I entered teenage years.
I picked up Payday 2 back when Smooth Talker was the meta and I enjoyed the game but I wasn't the best at it per say so I set it down until after Hoxton's Revenge.
I picked up Payday 2 texture modding around the Alessio update because a friend said to me "You know photoshop, you should make some silly skins" so that's what I did, I made some silly skins for friends and for myself, Most notably is my Daddy Dragan and '^' Dozer skins.
Recently started messing with HUD elements in Photoshop and doing a personal interface modification that if it gets to the point I might release it.
Currently enlisted in the United States Navy and waiting for basic training.
I'm rather laid back and love to hang out in the shoutbox with all the other cool cats that are there.
I like some anime and games but mostly enjoy playing Payday with friends and just chilling.
I'm not that interesting or even cool, I'm just rather nice to people or just jokingly a dick to some people.

Whatever else to put here can be asked.

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