Introduce yourself!


This is where you, yes YOU, can introduce yourself and tell us all about yourself.
Since I opened the thread it seems like I go first.

I live in Romania, however I am originally from Germany.
I am one of the guys that keep this Website running, the others are some of my best friends :)
That's it about me.

So, who are you?


Okay, here it goes.

I'm Snake. Mostly. Sometimes Yandere, sometimes Tsunere, sometimes fuckmesomeanyotherkindof Snake.
I am 20, living the "dream" in Poland
I am doing stuff here from time to time, sometimes just talking with people and solving their problems in a way.
I quit my job yesterday, so I'm unemployed with loads of free time and no money. And I'm going to university this year, Information Technology all the way.
Your everyday anime nut, having two body pillows and loads of mangas + external HDD filled with anime and ekhm...stuff. Yes, stuff. I can link you something if you're...uhh...desperate. Looking for a good chat. And maybe a bt of understanding. And some modders who would realise my sick modding ideas.

Over and out.

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