i need a hand on the custom heist tracks

ok. i did everything until i got bored so i need help i need someone, i need anyone to tell what i should do, here's my main.xml file

<table name="demoneyes">
<Localization directory="loc" default="en.txt"/>
<HeistMusic id="demoneyes" directory="sounds" volume="1">
<event name="setup" source="stealth.ogg"/>
<event name="anticipation" source="buildup.ogg"/>
<event name="anticipation" start_source="assault_intro" source="assault_intro.ogg"/>
<event name="assault" source="assault.ogg"/>
<event name="control" source="control.ogg"/>


The start_source for anticipation lacks a file extension and seems to call the same track as the source for the same event is all I have noticed off.


so it's should be like this?

<HeistMusic id="too_late" directory="assets/sounds" volume="1">
<event name="setup" source="stealth.ogg" start_source="stealth_intro.ogg"/>
<event name="control" source="control.ogg" start_source="control_intro.ogg"/>
<event name="anticipation" source="anticipation.ogg" start_source="anticipation_intro.ogg"/>
<event name="assault">
<track source="assault.ogg" start_source="assault_intro.ogg" weight="10"/>


@malaket This should work. Though I will note Anticipation tracks only play for roughly 30 secs before transitioning to assault and often don't necessitate looping, and thus wouldn't need an intro

Also, weight is normally used for alternating tracks (e.g. Break the Rules vs. its more common instrumentals) to determine their likelihood of playing iirc, otherwise it is unnecessary to include


@aaalicethegoat ok thank you mate i'll try it now


the heist track is not shown in my track list you got any idea?


oh! never mind it worked!


You're welcome. :)

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