Wren related crash.

I've got a weird one here. Our group of six decided to use SuperBLT and BigLobby3 to play together. We played for about three hours before one of our guys crashed, and from that moment their game refused to boot with SBLT regardless of what we did.

This person has had issues constantly with SBLT, we can't figure out what is going on or why. Someone else with the exact same modlist can launch, but his game will crash while the other person will be able to play seamlessly. Fairly equal PC specs, no obvious errors, fresh installs of everything from games to mods to SBLT. The only logs I can find point to:

"PM WARNING: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\tweaker\wrenloader.cpp:486) Wren base file not found, Wren VM disabled - the basemod may be corrupted"

but I'm not sure if these are the right log files I'm looking at. And unfortunately, I can't track down any other log files. I do want to point out that none of us have Payday 2 installed on the C Drive, but again I don't think this is the issue and for the life of me I can't identify what the issue actually is. And neither can anybody else.

In short, out of 6 people 1 person will inexplicably be incapable of launching SBLT in any capacity, and sometimes will get a launch that only lasts a short while. Even without mods installed. All up-to-date Win10/Win11 machines (though the crashing user is one of the Win10 machines) and no logs that I can see are being generated.



do you use unique loot?

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