Mod updates request

Hey, been redownloading some mods and there are 3 that i'd like to use but seeing at their post date and the fact that they don't work i suppose they require some sort of updates, they aren't very hard mods (i suppose) as all they do is add/replace a charm, glove and flashbang screen :)


first of all I hope you have a great day
Ok what I'm going for, personally I haven't had any problems with the loona charm mod, maybe you can check if it isn't having file conflicts with another mod.
For the mod that replaces the flasbang effect, it could also be due to a file conflict, but at least you can hear the sound effect that the mod brings or not?
In any case, I can help you solve that problem.
and for the gloves mod I think I can't solve that unless I know the error but I can try to check it to find out what's wrong


Hi, thanks for the answer
For the charm i don't have any other mods affecting charms, same for the flashbang and there is also no new sounds, it's like both of them aren't even installed :/


@SnowBloodWolf It seems strange to me, maybe it's something about your PC, but I doubt it. I don't know if you want, but I could ask you for your Steam ID so I can talk to you and help you with your problem.


@martyuwu1 434850194 , but if you have discord i'm way more on it that on steam so i'd be easier to reach snowbloodwolf


@martyuwu1 Are you still up to help ?


I have some problem about my PC. Can I direct to you

block blast adventure

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