payday 2 keeps crashing, unsure of what the problem is, can any 1 help?

Sun Apr 07 12:52:25 2024

Application has crashed: C++ exception
Could not load texture because IDirect3D9::CreateTexture call failed.
Direct3D could not allocate sufficient memory to complete the call.


     payday2_win32_release  (???)     ???                                                 
     payday2_win32_release  (???)     ???                                                 
     payday2_win32_release  (???)     ???                                                 
     payday2_win32_release  (???)     ???                                                 
     payday2_win32_release  (???)     ???                                                 
     payday2_win32_release  (???)     ???                                                 
     payday2_win32_release  (???)     ???                                                 
     payday2_win32_release  (???)     ???                                                 
     payday2_win32_release  (???)     ???                                                 
     payday2_win32_release  (???)     ???                                                 
     payday2_win32_release  (???)     zip_error_init                                      
     payday2_win32_release  (???)     zip_error_init                                      
                  KERNEL32  (???)     BaseThreadInitThunk                                 
                     ntdll  (???)     RtlInitializeExceptionChain                         
                     ntdll  (???)     RtlClearBits

set the shadows to low and textures to medium to not have this issue anymore. you can sometimes use high textures but medium is more stable on newer heists

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