[PAYDAY 2] Keanu Reeves AI Generated Voice Mod request for John Wick

You guys are smart and powerfull about things that possible to make, so i just wanna try my luck with this request.

Is that possible to release AI generated VO mod for Wick so he will sound like Reeves instead of some random guy? It always feels wrong about him. I found awesome model replacer that looks pretty much close to Wick instead his vanilla looks, and he still kinda lame because of his voice, its just not him, obviously and sadly. That should be kinda awesome if someone is capable to do thing like this.

Request is probably to huge to wonder about it, but still...


I think i got still havent tried but downloaded it on phone just to see mod not how it works in game and pretty sure it dont work bc u put safehouse vo in regular vox. Regular and safehouse are 2 separate folders for diffrent set of audio pretty sure u cant put safehouse inside regular (basically leave regular empty or delete till u get more voicelines and put safehouse in streamed). Lmk if that was issue if u wont ill check it myself in like 1h

(Poster)12 months ago(Edited)

i've tryed that way with \soundbanks\streamed\safehouse_vo either, no luck.
Also i didnt understand what this guy doing on the video at all, unfortunately, this Bundle Modder software is not working for me as it works for him, like pressing the "add replacement to mod" in 05:10 just gives me some error and its all, its even more confusing now.

that voiceover instruction dont even have this step, i think its something non-related

Im doing all this thing with this thing instead. Also im converting wav to stream with it via Tools -> Convert Loose Files.


i'm really glad that you still trying to help me with that, thank you again.
i'm like super lost now so far.


@kuroi-1 just making sure ur voicelines didnt get corupted while converting? And also idk if its true heard that if u have language set other than english aparently custom voicelines dont work(it was issue like 2 y ago so might be fixed idk)

(Poster)12 months ago(Edited)

@iloveloots my god you right, that was the main issue...
i've changed it to english and everything working.
dying from cringe.

thank you so much.


@kuroi-1 well,lmk when u do all, also would appreciate some credit :)


also idk if it will help bc i never tried bc i play game it english but


i tihnk this should let u haev other language unless its broken idk

acording to mod description in game u have to set english but this mod translates it for u depends what language u put in overrides



also if got more issues lmk and remember safehouse in streamed not in regular all folders in streamed (i think)

(Poster)12 months ago(Edited)

@iloveloots yup i figured out where exactly it has to be, all my problems was that stupid game language :D
All i need is time from now on, lots of files awaits for a bit renaming process :D

Thank you again, such a rockstar you are.

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