Crackdown Murkies
Ports Crackdown's Murkies to vanilla and Streamlined Heisting.
Enemy lineup
Lights and unarmored heavies
Armored heavies
Special units
Options menu
The options menu that lets you change how certain enemies look:
- Heavy Shotgunners: Changes heavy shotgunners to resemble either the unarmored or armored variant.
- Armored Heavies in SH: Changes unarmored heavies to resemble their armored counterparts when used in SH. Has priority over the above option.
- New Minigun and Medic Dozers: Gives new designs to the Minigun and Medic Dozers so that they look more like the other Bulldozers.
After changing an option, you need to restart the game for it to take effect.
Other additions
- Armored heavies and Tasers will emit visor-shattering or metallic-plinking effects effects when you pop their helmets.
- Mods that use HopLib (such as Kill Feed and Floating Healthbars) will have different names for the lights and heavies.
- Snipers can have their hats popped off.
- Bulldozers will emit cloth puff effects when you shoot them.
- This was only tested offline but it should work online.
- This mod may be incompatible with other mods that change the appearance of Murkywater.
- Guard Murkies are not affected.
- The body textures for the Minigun and Medic Dozers were taken from Restoration Mod.
- Nelson01023 for making a bunch of stuff
- Jarey_ for also making some stuff, such as the Medic
- Reno for working on some of the models and/or textures
- badatnames for various model edits, such as the armored heavy shotgunner's body

Publish Date1 month ago
Last Updated1 month ago by
