Your Pistol Crossbow (Secondory Special weapon) will function like the Blutsauger in TF2. Does not change outfit.
Pistol Crossbow has:
150 Total Ammo
40 Ammo in Magazine
600 RoF
Heals 8 for you on hit
slow projectile speed
60 damage
small ammo pick up
Expire bolts on impact
optionally, you can change fire sound.
(recommend with this mod, Auto Fire Sound Fix (Updated))
- Download blutsaugerTF2 for your
- unzip it
- Add "blutsauger" folder into "PAYDAY2\mods"
- Add "blut_sound_into_modoverrides" folder into "PAYDAY2\assets\mod_overrides"
If you have the old version of Bronco the Freeshooter -(@_@)/, update it from the download page. (2025/01/01 is latest version)
Pistol crossbow does NOT have penalty for health regeneration as in TF2.
Both Explosive/Poison bolt has heavy penalty on Total Ammo, Magazine and ammo pickup.
Explosive bolt heals you for every enemy you hit. (if hit 3 enemies, heals you 24 = 8 * 3).
Poison damage from Poison bolt deals same damage as with other crossbows. (More than 3000 damage)
Poison bolt's projectile speed is even slower.
Sure Fire Ace skill let your bolt pierce the armor.
Body Expertise skill does NOT apply to crossbows even in autofire mode.
You can apply berserker on crossbows.
Stoic perk halves the heal amout. It's for balancing.
You cannot heal if dealt damage is too low. (less than 20)
You cannot heal when charging melee.
Grenades explosion while holding pistol crossbow might heal you.
work as client