Do you like dodge?
Do you stay in civilian mode gambling while the rest of your team stealths Golden Grin?
Do you like severely untested and possibly broken game mechanics?
Then this is the perk deck for you!
The Gambler King perk deck lets you truly experience how it is to gamble between life and death.
Card 1 - Weapon damage increased by 500%, 50% chance for damage to be inflicted on you
Card 3 - Weapon damage increased to 1000% of original value, All Armour is converted to Health
Card 5 - Chance to fire increased to 60% in your favour
Card 7 - Dodge increased by 20 points
Card 9 - Once firing the weapon successfully, Chance increased by 5%
(Caps at 80/20 Chance, Resets once the damage is dealt to you)
Card Names
All or Nothing
Double or Nothing
Lucky Odds
99% of Gamblers quit before hitting big
Extra Info
- Damage scaling does not apply to Melee weapons and Explosives
- Dying to your own weapon does take a down
- Best used with single shot weapons
Test Your Luck.
Oh and one more thing - there are multiple downloads of the mod, each balanced differently yet still give you the full expierence, select based on amount of pain to expierence