The RMC No2 is based on the FAL and is unlocked at level 42.
The RMC goes for the 160 damage DMR model roughly comparable to the M308, with the RMC trading fire rate, total ammo capacity, and accuracy for a boost to base concealment.
Unlike BO6, the RMC can be fired in full auto, though I'm not sure how practical the emergency mag dump capability is with a slow RPM of 513. The RMC is capable of being used in dodge builds, as it can attain an above average concealment of roughly 23 if you pick one of the short barrels and the 10 round magazine. This is about on par with the vanilla FAL, assuming you use all of the vanilla FAL's concealment boosting items.
The stocks and grips section are entirely cosmetic because I hate the "a shit gun that you make useable by suffering through the attachment grind to eventually stack enough numbers" approach that BO6 goes for. Your big choices are the barrels and the magazines.
Known Issues:
Due to oddities caused by changes in hold animations, some optics will slightly be off zero by a couple of millimeters in varying directions..
The charging handle isnt perfectly synced with all magazine types.
Probable Future Asked Questions:
Q: what in tarnation
A: real gun and it unironically is the "bullpups your [gun]" meme, back in the Cold War when bullpups were all the rage
Q: Can you give the funny aussie bullpup fal more ammo/damage/pickup/etc?
A: edit the main.xml stats yourself