There was this Perk Deck in IREnFIST (the reloaded version) called the Guardian Perk Deck. Which gave you bonuses if you stayed in one area and killed cops within that area. Combined with aced tier 3 skills in the original mod's skill tree like 50 armor regen when headshotting with snipers and 50% dmg reduction when bipodded it was pretty strong and fun too.
But IREnFIST doesn't work anymore and if you try to use it it will crash because the many new updates over the past 4 years broke tons of parts of the mod (for example, the important parts like the stuff in the wpnstats, wpnparts, and playerstandard luas) and comprehensively crash fixing the mod would be very difficult to do.
So I "fixed" the perk deck by making a standalone version of the perk (while also accounting for the fact those skills from irenfist aren't there anymore) since it's actually a pretty cool perk
Card 1: The first time you make a kill, a killzone with a 8 meter radius is dropped at your location. When you make 3 more kills while you are in this zone, the zone is activated. When you kill an enemy while you are inside your active zone, you will automatically pick up their ammo drops, no matter how far away. Killing an enemy while you are outside of this zone will reset the zone to your new location, requiring you to activate it again. You can leave and re-enter the zone at any time without the zone resetting, as long as you do not make any kills outside the zone.
Card 3: When inside your active killzone: Killing an enemy more than 12 meters from your current location regenerates 10 health. If the enemy is within 12 meters, you regenerate 10 armor instead. These effects each have their own individual cooldown of 3 seconds.
Card 5: Your killzone now only needs 2 kills to activate. While inside your active killzone, you gain 28% damage reduction. If your maximum armor is less than 94, you gain an additional 22% damage reduction while in your active killzone."
Card 7: Health and armor regeneration from this perk deck is both increased to 20.
Card 9: Every 10 kills you make inside your active killzone will drop an additional ammo box. The distance-based health and armor regeneration cooldowns are reduced to 2 seconds.
(Also from my experience some reason Wolf/Vanilla hudlist (the ones that shows buffs) hates this perk deck and the waypoint won't show up. But it seems it does fine if you don't have a hudlist mod. Not 100% sure)