Does not require you to roll a 1/500 chance in a lottery machine, but also doesn't have a 1/3 chance to explode.
Special Thanks to PlayBONK for making the hilarious animations for this ""weapon"".
The ZiP .22 is unlocked at level 100 and will appear as the Luger/Parabellum to other players.
The ZiP .22 is as exactly useful as you'd expect it to be ... which is not at all.
Calling the ZiP .22 a piece of shit is pretty insulting to poop; I am quite certain you would fare better with flinging feces in a fight compared to this ... thing. This ""weapon"" is bad at pretty much everything: poor damage, barely hits what you point it at, nonexistent pickup, intentionally nerfed concealment, and of course, nonexistent RPM when accounting for the ZiP .22's (in)famous unreliability forcing you to clear the jam between every shot.
The ZiP .22 is also available as a "vertical grip", being equally incompetent as both a vertical grip and a ""weapon"".
Stat Notes:
The RPM is set to 30 so you aren't overtaking the unjamming animation.
The damage is set to 40, accounting for .22 LR being rather weak as far as stopping power goes.
Stability is a perfect 100, accounting for 22. LR being rather nice and controllable. But this is a moot point with having to unjam the ""weapon"" on every shot.
Concealment should be in the high 20s. However, I purposely set it to 2 so the ZiP isnt useful as a concealment stat stat stick.
The accuracy is intentionally set to 0 when accounting for how weird it is to grip. And because I think it's funny that you will have to stuff the barrel in enemy faces to use this, only for you to realize you'd do better using the ZiP as a club rather than gun.
Your total ammo capacity is 5 mags of 10 for 50 total rounds, which sucks compared to most other pistols. You can fix this problem with the drum mags ... at the cost of the drums not only nerfing your overall stats but also imposing a 50% movement speed penalty for the lulz.
Your ammo pickup is set to 0.5-1, which is pretty bad.
Also, if you're reading this, then know that I purposely screwed some attachment options to play into this weapon's joke status.
For example, the gadgets intentionally mount to the top rail to block your vision ... not that you're going to have an easy time hitting things anyways with this nonexistent accuracy.
Another example is intentionally making the UwU scope block a huge portion of your screen/not use Modern Sights, just so any would be Roblox players planning on using it as a pocket DMR with a scope would have to deal with a purposely obstructive scope mesh.
Known Issues:
-The drum magazines obviously induce some clipping with the hold animation. I originally did not include them for that reason, but Nya paid PlayBONK to animate the meme drums even knowing that there's issues.
-Your choice of gadget or muzzle device may cause your fingers/the attachment to clip into the weapon during the recoil animation. I'm not going to account for every single gadget and the gun is already is supposed to be a joke, so I don't find that to be too big of an issue.
-The UwU scope does not work at all with the animations but was included as a joke. Please direct your complaints into the same place the ZiP 22 belongs, which is in the trash can.
-The ZiPSBR "vertical grip" also does not work at all with vanilla Payday 2 vertical grip animations. It was included as a joke to further make fun of the ZiP's lack of usefulness. Please direct your complaints into the same place the ZiP 22 belongs, which is in the trash can.
Probable Future Asked Questions:
Q: Since the charging handle is stupidly placed right there near the barrel, could you add an inspect animation/joke reload animation that saps 99% of your health via a misfire?
A: I did consider that, originally. But talking to some players about that idea made me realize that people would then unironically have a use for the Zip 22 for triggering Berserker... which would go against the spirit of the Zip 22 being bad.
Q: I had a good laugh at dying from how bad this is, but could you make an update for it that makes it a joke weapon with utility?
A: If you play ResMod, I hear DMC just converted it into the Cruelty Squad depiction... sadly making the zippy actually usable instead of bad on purpose.
Otherwise, if there's a significant amount of players that genuinely would enjoy the ZiP 22 having utility while continuing to be a joke, then I don't mind adding in some attachment options to make it a semi-useable gun (if slow firing due to its jamming nature).
The ideas I had would include armor piercing rounds (so you can occasionally pull it out to drop shields), giving it corpse ragdolls (so you can use it to launch a guard in stealth), or an invisible bayonet attachment (so you can club people to death with with it).