Yet another attempt to replace the M4A1/M16, given an afterlife in video games.
The ACR will appear to others as the M4A1 (CAR4) and is unlocked at level 4.
Much like the weapon it was supposed to replace, the ACR is a jack of all trades, master of none rifle.
Unlike the vanilla M4A1, you are relatively limited in what customization you can equip to the ACR.
Known Issues:
- Some optics will have very slight mismatches on the point of zero, though for typical Payday engagement ranges, it shouldn't be an issue. I tried my best to fix it, but for some reason, some optics just wanted to shift their point of impact slightly upwards or slightly to the right.
- The Modern Animation has several errors, like the magazine catch being desynced with the actual inserting/removal of magazines, or bullet objects strangely not appearing in one of the mags. I was tempted to just hide the Modern Animation for that reason alone, but I left it in if some people weren't overly bothered about it.
Probable Future Asked Questions:
Q: What actually differs in this 2012 version compared to the other versions of the Remington ACR?
A: This is the (latest known) version of the rifle that Remington Defense submitted to the US Military's Individual Carbine Competition in 2012 (before it got canceled for ... some reason). As far as the research I've done/found, this "v2" ACR had the following changes over the Bushmaster/earlier Remington models:
-The ICC submission removing the "tuning fork" and quick barrel swap options
-The slimmer v2 handguard
-The fluted barrels
-The stock is no longer foldable, but now has 6 adjustment positions
-The charging handle folds out on the side to better accommodate optics/tactical devices
-It takes AR15 pistol grips instead of the lower receiver being 1 solid piece
Q: Wait a minute, where is the video from PlayBONK?
A: This started life as a personal weapon in January 2024 and has slowly gotten updated here and there. We were supposed to fix some of the errors of the Modern Animations, but then PlayBONK got busy with real life stuff and couldnt fix them/couldn't be bothered to log ingame to record a preview video.
Q: Why do my Quadstacked mags/drum mags not visually appear as drum mags/long mags?
A: It is intentional that those models get replaced with PMAGs. I was very tempted to not include the quadstacked mag considering I never use quadstacked mags and the animation issues that stem from the MW2 animation not considering long mags. Then I thought about the idea of simply replacing their models with PMAGs, to reference the extended mags during the "golden era of COD" when the extended mags attachment typically used the standard magazine model.
Q: REEEEEEEEEEEE THERE'S TOO MUCH RECOIL! I demand my 0 recoil laserbeam just like the good ol' days of MW2!!!!!!
A: just learn to pull down on your mouse lol
Q: Why do I only get ~10 bullets with 6.8 Remington SPC?!?!? I want 30 rounds, just like MW3!
A: I would have sourced a 6.8 SPC magazine if I could find one, but I couldn't. So when I googled "how many rounds of 6.8 spc fit in 5.56 magazines", the first ~5 or so results indicated you will fit roughly ~10 rounds inside your run of the mill 5.56 30 rounder. That's not even considering you run the risk of a failure to feed when considering that 5.56 mag followers were not designed for 6.8 SPC. As for why I locked it to semi-auto only? I don't want your ears to bleed when the firing sound swaps and because it converts your weapon into a DMR.
Q: More caliber conversions? The ACR's selling point was its ability to swap multiple calibers!
A: i thought its selling point was cashing in on the nostalgia of the early 2000s by people who grew up playing MW2?
A: Well, to be accurate to real life, I need to wait nearly a decade to offer support for the caliber conversions just so people can laugh at me for trying to revitalize interest in a project that died nearly a decade ago. Functionally speaking, there's only so many calibers you can swap to before they pretty much do the same thing.
Q: In terms of function, what differs between this ACR versus Gambyt's or Mira's?
miralyn: obviously this was made by the least insane payday 2 weapon modder
A: In terms of distinction, the only things this version has going for it are the PlayBONK animation carry and having an ACR that doesn't require Weaponlib/CAP. Otherwise, Gambyt's has a noobtube and Mira's is a secondary weapon.
Q: Why did you make this when there were already two existing ACRs on the workshop?
A: This was originally supposed to be the Battlefield 2042 ACR, as I had quite a bit of fun using it during the 2042 free weekends.
(Oddy, if you're still out there, if you can help me grab the 2042 ACR firing sound, I would unironically add 6.5 Grendel as an attachment type and swap the default firing sounds to 2042's ACR, I prefer that to using MW2023's ACR firing sounds).
I also wanted to fix all the stupid things 2042 did (reciprocating charging handle, empty reload just smacking the side of the gun instead of pressing down on the bolt release, magazine catch not animating). However, I found was that the 2042 model was mostly a lost cause. The errors are fundamental to the model, such as its odd model smoothing, painted on magazine catch, and puzzlebox exports that were annoying to put back together. Its textures are oddly dirty/smudged, as if a whole bunch of greasy fingers kept handling all parts of the gun instead of just the handguard/fire controls.