Takumi: oh no he's breached his shitty jokes containment, quick stop hi-
Killerwolf: just let him get it out of his system
Mira: the joke isnt all that funny you know
Thorin: Hey is that the Laugo -
Thanks to PlayBONK for animations and putting up with my awful memes!
The Laugo Alien will appear to other players as the P7M13 (M13).
The Laugo Alien has a very familiar stat block as a low damage, precise, high RPM pistol.
Stat Notes
The Alien deals 64 damage, enough to 4 shot headshot tan enemies without skill investment.
The Alien has a RPM of 500 rounds per minute, which should be fast enough for most people.
The Alien picks up (at base) 2-4 bullets per pickup. This is noticeably lower than the other low damage high RPM pistols and is barely ammo efficient, but was a choice for how I expect people to use it. Either you picked up pistol skills/Crits/Berserker and it kills in 2-3 headshots with good aim (so pickup is no longer an issue), or you plan to use the Alien as a supplement to your primary weapon, only drawing it when you need to keep up the pressure/are out of ammo.
The Alien has a magazine size of 17 rounds with 6 spare mags. This should be plenty of reserve ammo to work with as long as your aim is decent.
The Alien has average pistol tier concealment at 27, with no unique ways to increase it. Pick a different sidearm if you want a concealment stat stick.
True to its unique selling point, the irons and optics are mounted to the frame and do not reciprocate with the slide when firing. I don't know how much of a help that is to most people considering recoil is a thing, but it would be a shame to not get that detail right.
Known Issues:
Depending on your choice of gadget and barrel extension, you could have clipping issues due to the low bore axis of the Ayylien. The upside down barrel is supposed to help assist with this issue, but I cant sit around and play compatibility bingo all day.
The upside down barrel may not correctly invert your barrel extensions unless the upside down barrel is attached before the barrel extension.
Probable Future Asked Questions
Q: Was your desire for this mod for the unique firearm, or for bad memes?!?!?!
A: It should be plainly obvious what motivated me to make this gun.
Q: Where is the 2042 Accurate Optic Mount?
A: I am not including it due to laziness.
That, and the way DICE implemented that mount in 2042 is just baffling and borderline schizophrenic.
One of the selling points of the Ayylien is that you can mount optics to the frame so the sights aren't reciprocating with the slide.
Confusingly, DICE decided to add that plate which is attached to the slide, which seems like it defeats one of the biggest features of the Ayylien. Then, DICE somehow remembered to make the sights not move while the gun is firing ... while the plate itself is reciprocating with the slide, causing the sights themselves to be attached to the gun by the Force.
Q: Hey wait you can do BF2042 guns again?
A: Sort of, the below is a list of weapons I am interested in and seem doable to implement:
- RPL-20
- TTS Exceed
- Kel-Tec P50
- Textron NGSW-R assuming DICE adds it during Season 7/8 (they already added the MCX Spear and RM277, may as well add the third place contestant)
- XM8 Prototype (it would sadly need to be without the grenade launcher, as Payday 2 is rather difficult when it comes to projectile code/underbarrel code, see the issues Pawcio has had with his G3 as well as the issues the MDR 7.62 had with its grenade launcher).
- APC9 K Pro
However, the biggest issue lies with 2042 assets being painful to work with.
The models typically export with all of its animated parts in a jumbled state due to a missing armature, or in a "puzzlebox" as Killerwolf aptly puts it. This means that you typically need to know about the working parts of the real gun to put the 2042 gun back together, which can be an issue if your gun is rare and has next to no visual aids. Sounds are painful to create due to me not owning 2042 and DICE layering gunshot sounds in a billion layers. Additionally, the models sometimes have silly errors (lol @ the acr painted on mag release paddle) and/or bad mesh/normal smoothing that makes payday 2 angry.
Another consideration is the animation cost: I am not made of unlimited money and don't wish to overload BONK with just my work. If any of you people out there wish to foot the animation bill for a specific 2042 gun, then I will gladly make the gun free of charge (within reason of being able to put the gun back together, I will let you know if I cant find enough information on the gun to know how to put it together).
Q: REEEEE ayy lmao is too broken/not strong enough!!!! i need my game to be too easayy lmao/wayy harder lmao!!
A: Change the stats in the main.xml