Thanks to PlayBONK for the amazing animation work!
The MW2022 S&W Model 500 will appear to others as the S&W Model 29/Castigo .44 and is unlocked at level 42.
It's a revolver, you should know what to expect: low capacity, loud, but precise.
Stat Notes:
Damage is 180, same as the Model 29.
Accuracy starts at 76, same as the Model 29.
Stability is intentionally a dump stat at 0, as revolvers are all about high power and high kick.
Ammo pickup is about on par with the Model 29 at 0.5 minimum and 1.0 maximum.
You get a cylinder of 5 rounds and 9 cylinders to carry, totaling at 45 rounds, which is weaker than some of the other revolvers.
The RPM on the Model 500 is noticeably slower than most other revolvers at 300 RPM, roughly the same as in MW2022. The slower than average RPM is not really an issue given the high power and kick: you should make your shots count rather than spamming your load all at once.
The only unique gameplay attachments are the ammo types.
The first is the .500 S&W Piercing, which roughly converts your Model 500 into the RSH12 (RUS12) statblock: Ability to pierce shields/walls/enemies, an increase in damage to ~220 damage, but halved ammo pickup rates and a substantial loss in accuracy.
The second is the .500 S&W Snakeshot, converting your Model 500 into a shotgun following the stat block of the Taurus 4510 (Judge). Snakeshot REQUIRES Weaponlib and will not work as intended without Weaponlib's raycast code.
Known Issues:
-PlayBONK's animation swapping code may conflict with The Fixes? Or having a second player in the lobby with the S&W Model 500 may also crash?
(Issue being tested)
Probable Future Asked Questions
Q: Optics! I need my pistol red dot now!!!
A: No. You will use your big iron with just classic iron sights, hipfiring, or the scope.
Q: Where are the speedloaders?
A: It was initially proposed but then discarded after seeing it cause visibility issues during animations.
Q: Dual wield version?
A: Not interested.
Q: REEEE cocaine warfare revolver too stronk/too week!!!!!
A: Go into the files and change the stats yourself.