Animation test mod, testing how to use parenting to create unique-per handguard attachment points and to separate out the FTAC Recon conversion from my MW2022 M4. This, like the MW2022 M4, was sitting in my hard drive since the open beta, so I figured the announcement of MW2023 is a good time to actually release it and not store it forever.
The FTAC Recon is unlocked at level 40 and will appear as the M16/AMR16.
The gun behaves pretty much as you'd expect of a M16 with the DMR barrel or how the gun works in MW2022: double tap enemies with precision.
Ammo capacity starts at 10 rounds, with 6 extra mags (60 total ammo). Pace yourself and make your shots count.
Ammo pickup starts at 1.5-3.75 at base/2-5 with the perk deck passive, plenty to double tap everything in the game as long as you aren't missing much.
Damage is 128 at base, enough to one shot the light SWATs or double tap most heavy SWATs.
Accuracy with base attachments starts at 80.
Stability starts at 28 and is purposely a dump stat. Expect a bit of kick, so pace yourself or pull down on the mouse.
Attachment support is about what you'd expect of stocks, pistolgrips, sights, lasers, angled grips, etc.
Magazines are unique due to how the retention reload is animated/coded.
If you'd prefer a 160 damage rifle for one shots with Berserker, use the Bull rider barrel.
Known Issues:
The Firebrand handguard is obviously not going to work with the hold anim and was originally put in for completeness' sake. I am not going to force an update/redownload just to hide the attachment.
Probable Future Asked Questions
Q: Blueprints?
A: Apart from the requisite ow the edge cinder blueprint, none of the other FTAC Recon blueprints appealed to me.
Q: REEEEE 458 meme ar15 too stronk/week!!!!! NEERF/BUFF NAO!!!!
A: Change the stats yourself.