This mod provides bug fixes and patches for the Deimos shotgun from the McShay Weapon Pack 4 DLC in PAYDAY 2. The current visual appearance of the weapon is not satisfactory and uses the PBR type texturing that is not supported by Diesel, and this mod improves its usability and resolves all associated bugs. Please take a moment to read the description before using it, as this mod also includes a Quality of Life patch, which is explained below.
This mod was made with love and care.
With that said, you will need PAYDAY 2: McShay Weapon Pack 4 DLC in order to use it.
DISCLAIMER: One of these patches from this mod have been provided to Starbreeze, so it is uncertain when the next hotfix will be released.
It could be in a week or a month. Until then, feel free to use this mod as you wish - you won’t regret it.
List of fixes:
Resolved z-fighting issue with the extended magazine shot tube that caused severe flickering with the connecting part.
Improved texture visuals and increased their resolution, including FPS and Third textures. It also makes the conversion kit text readable upon closer inspection.
Corrected gadget positions, including lasers and flashlights.
Adjusted Steelsight (ADS) aiming and reduced Breather amplitude.
Fixed all icon textures that did not match the PAYDAY 2 art style,
including all icons related to Deimos such as Weapon Icon, VR Icon, and Weapon Mods Icons.Reduced motion sickness/refractive errors and weapon clipping on the viewmodel side to make the weapon usable for people with eye disabilities.
Remade all weapon textures and converted them to Diesel Engine’s Legacy Shading Format. Including thirdperson NPC textures.
Video Comparison:
I spent four days creating this mod while fighting an illness that prevented me from completing it sooner. I experienced severe symptoms such as coughing up blood and nosebleeds, fever and intense headache. I don't know what it was but it was absolutely awful.
To those who read this, thank you for your understanding. While I am still not fully recovered, I am feeling way much better now.
Now without dragging this further, let's get right into the Quality of Life Additions that are only exclusive to this mod.
Aside from having a bit more distinctive refurbished look, the iron sights have received a bit of an upgrade. Tritium is now applied by default, previously it was available only on a extended barrel but not the iron sights and two other barrels, now it's a reality.
Icons. Yes, they're now clear as day and blend with other weapons in your inventory.
And with the QoL Additions...
Auto-Updates are added in. That means you won't have to update the mod manually from the website anymore thanks to BeardLib.
Installation notes:
Simply, unpack the contents of the archive (that is usually the folder with the name of the mod inside it) into your mod_overrides folder.
If you get stuck, please refer to this wiki page
Requirements for this mod in order to work properly:
That is all. Thank you for reading and enjoy!
Do you like my work? Feel free to leave a tip :)
It is greatly appreciated as I take a lot of time into the creation of my mods
that can take weeks / months to make as I work on quality mods only in my spare time.