I promised to do an AK, but idk I kinda got bored with it so I caved and made another AR in an impractical as hell caliber.
Requires BeardLib
I'd consider this a spiritual successor to XxNelsonxX's M4.50 Beowulf, but it functions so differently to that high-cal AR that idk if it actually is.
It's a 200 RPM, 130 Damage """Sniper""" Rifle unlocked at level 45 that comes with 7 magazines (3 conversions, 2 speedpulls, 1 cosmetic and 1 drum), 2 pair of receivers, a suppressor, two barrels, a stock, 5 handguards, and three exclusive sets.
Appears as the Contractor .308 to other people that own the John Wick Heist pack, appears as the AMCAR otherwise.