my first add-on weapon, based on M4 custom with .50 Beowulf barrel, a more realistic one than the game one, high damage due .50 Beowulf bullets(damage between 7,62 x 51 NATO and .338 Lapua), low ammo capacity per magazine due the conversion of 5,56 x 45 NATO to .50 Beowulf bullet, good accuracy but high recoil and very low stability...
*Unlock level: 60
About the weapon:
*good concealment for an assault rifle(same as CAR-4)
*fast reload due to a shorter mag
*now the weapon is automatic (spray and spray? is not recomended)
*good amount of attachment, now more
*now use custom sound
*very high damage for an assault rifle
*very high recoil for an assault rifle(a bit less than Ash 12.7)
*sniper rifle accurate(almost)
*is not a sniper rifle, so sniper rifle skill won't work on it
Overall changes:
the weapon itself, customization, stats, and now the weapon fit better the assault role
*NEW Fixed Vertical grip ADS stance issue, thanks Angel of Vitamin reported the issue, and Alcat, Silent Enforce and Killerwolf
advices *for more details read the Changelog, below the cover image
*when you equip the stubby vertical grip, the weapon reload animation will automatically change to Bootleg one, it doesn't completely sync with the weapon, but it looks ok
*the stock adapter has some stance issue, no idea why, even though it has the same size as the default one
BeardLib is required.
SuperBLT is required.
Attachment Animations (Old) or Weaponlib (New) is required. (Don't use both!)
MOD Recommendation:
-Underbarrel Weapon Base
-Custom Attachment for Custom Weapons
-Tactical Reload
-Custom Underbarrels for Custom Weapons
-Attachment Descriptions
How to install:
just download it and extract the archive to "mod_overrides" of your Payday2 folder.
Special Thanks:
Thanks to Alcat, Zdann, Krimzin,어나아멍슽티픗... and all the people who helped me in the community.
Thanks to >:3(Pawcio) for adding me to CAFCW and WILDS0N for the MP7 flip-up sight.
Thanks to Cpone and Killerwolf for adding the weapon to CUFCW
Thanks to CVIII for some texture tips
Thanks to Silent Enforcer for the muzzle flash adjust and a new weapon sound