Thank PlayBONK for the excellent animation work!
Special thanks to Edward the Human for purchasing the model and sending me the model/textures to make this mod!
Special thanks to [Redacted] for helping assist with technical details of the XM250, as I obviously am not someone who has an XM250 ready to use/examine for details about RPM or how it would animate. You know who you are.
The XM250 will appear as the M240 (KSP58) and is unlocked at level 60.
The XM250 deals slightly less damage than the 120 damage LMGs and has noticeably worse capacity/ammo pickup rates compared to your usual 120 damage LMGs. In exchange, the XM250 has the ability to mount optic, boasts a faster than average reload speed compared to most other belt fed LMGs, and can pierce body armor and walls but not enemies or shields.
Stat Notes:
The XM250 has 110 base damage, slightly lower than the 120 damage LMGs, but still enough to 2 shot headshot with skills.
The rate of fire is at an average 750 RPM. There's no data online on what the real RPM is, so I just went with 750 as decent all around automatic weapon RPM. I am assuming the actual fire rate would depend on the condition of the weapon itself, such as whether or not the weapon is dirty or was previously fired or not.
The ammo capacity is a 50 round belt is terrible compared to most other LMGs, but you make up with it for a reload speed matching most magazine fed weapons. Notably, the empty reload is faster than the non empty reload due to the use of the spoon feeding method.
The ammo capacity is also subpar 4 belts/boxes carried, totaling at 200 total bullets.
The ammo pickup is somewhat low for an LMG at 6-10 bullets of pickup, but that's what special snowflake ammo does to you: makes it annoying to procure more ammunition. It still should be plenty to spray things down in true LMG fashion.
The XM250 has a decent base accuracy of 48, boosted by default mods. If you want to snipe, try to fire in short bursts, or mount up on a bipod to direct your fire onto target.
The XM250 has subpar stability at 28, however the kick is rather manageable and consistent for a LMG. Try to fire in short bursts or mount up on a bipod to control the weapon.
The XM250 has a concealment of 2, but concealment is a dump stat on most of the LMGs anyways.
Because the gun is chambered in XM1186 cartridge, the XM250 can pierce body armor and walls but not enemies or shields. While this is less powerful than the XM1186 available on my MCX Spear, this is for game balance (or some semblance of it): the XM250 with enemy and shield penetration would have a do it all horde clearing weapon except at the longest of ranges.
In terms of attachments, your selection is limited to mostly universal attachments: gadgets, muzzle devices, and sights.
The unique attachments come in the form of the Vortex NGSW, SLX Suppressor, and SIG Sauer Canted Irons as default optics/secondary sights for the sake of completing the NGSW-AR look.
Known Issues:
No Animations on Bipod.
Players that drain their ammo to less than 14 bullets will suddenly find the belt being held together by the Force.
Due to a lack of space on the gun (and/or visibility issues), charms are placed in a spot that likely causes clipping when pulling back the charging handle.
Probable Future Asked Questions:
Q: Wait, is More Weapon Stats lying to me about the reload timers? Did you accidentally mix the timers on the empty and non empty reload animations?
A: No, we didn't, the empty reload animation using the spoon is intentionally faster than the non empty reload where you open the lid. Not only is the spoon supposed to be a faster way to reload the gun (since you skip the step of opening up the tray), I thought it would be quirky for the XM250's empty reload be faster than the non empty reload.
Q: The Guy Carrying Gamespot Mr. Keeper of Firearms and Artillery at the Royal Armories Museum: There are a few things off with the XM250?
A: Akinaro's XM250 model is, to my knowledge, the only XM250 3D model on the Internet that I know of. After a bit of my own research and consultation with [Redacted], I learned that Akinaro's model is actually based upon a version of the weapon submitted during the NGSW Trials and has a few outdated features, if not outright wrong details (not that I blame Akinaro, you make do with whatever references you have online). There's a few differences compared to the real XM250 in service with the US Military that only military personnel/SIG Engineers would notice.
List of noted errors compared to the latest (at the time of writing) XM250:
-Animation-wise, it's not strictly necessary to rack the charging handle every time you want to reload while you have some rounds in the belt. You could, but that might indicate your XM250 is having issues with getting on sear.
-The barrel does not reciprocate while firing, since there are limits to my animation budget.
-The stock is still using the prototype stock instead of the more up to date Magpul SL-M stock.
-If you're wondering why you can't mount AR15 pistol grips on what looks like your run of the mill SIG Sauer style AR15 pistol grip, not only am I not dealing with the headache of trying work with Akinaro's awful scaling, but the prototype NGSW trial version that Akinaro modeled off of did not allow generic AR15 pistol grips. The latest version of the XM250 (at the time of writing) is compatible with generic AR15 pistol grips.
-The receiver's textures has "SLMAG" written on the side, which incorrectly refers to the MG338 and not the XM250. I believe the correct NGSW trial era markings would have been "SLSAW".
-Akinaro's Bipod is incorrect. Not only are the feet incorrect in terms of model, but the gap between the bipod is a bit too long, and attempting to fold the legs has the legs awkwardly sticking just shy of the bottom of the receiver.
The legs fold into the receiver and should latch into place below the bottom of the handguard, such as in GarandThumb's video.
Q: MG338 (RAAL)?
A: In the future, likely.
Q: Textron NGSW-(A)R or any of the other NGSW entrants?
A: Maybe the for the Textron NGSW-R and maybe for FN Herstal's NGSW-AR submission (Evolys).
Otherwise, there is very little public information on the rest of the submissions.
The Textron NGSW-AR submission was their LSAT design in 6.8 Cased Telescoping. Pawcio did the 5.56 version, if you dont mind the caliber technically being wrong.
Q: How many SIG Sauer guns have you done?!?!??
A: Hey, SIMP Sausage, can I get me marketing consultation check?
A: Go into the stats of the main.xml and change it yourself.