KW/Mira: Wait, you were aligning these MW2019 parts by hand for the longest time?
Flesh: oh great, the tryhard gun
Frenchy: Why do I crash when I attempt to add capitalism stocks to the Val!?!?!
An experiment on how to better align MW2019 parts that eventually became a weapon.
The MW2019 AS Val will appear as the vanilla AS Val (Valkyria) and is unlocked as level 29.
Stat Notes: The MW2019 AS Val is like the vanilla AS Val, but with a higher RPM and a bigger mod pool.
The damage output is the same as the vanilla Val at 50.
The accuracy with default mods is on par with the vanilla AS Val at 56, but attachments can increase or lower this value at the cost of concealment.
The default stability is lower than that of the vanilla AS Val at 48, but you can generally patch this up with attachments.
The RPM is noticeably higher than the vanilla Val at 923 RPM, same as in MW2019.
The ammo capacity is slightly lower than the vanilla Val at 10 magazines/200 total rounds. This was both a consideration for the greater modification capability and as a nice round number for the ammo capacity.
The concealment with default parts is 26, same as the vanilla version.
The MW2019 AS Val has all the modifications you're expecting from MW2019: the extended mag, the stocks, the exclusive Dragunov Scope, the barrels (but in the handguard slot), and the SPP Ammo conversion.
The SPP ammo conversions convert your AS VAL into a VSS-alike, just like in MW2019.
The SPP ammo bumps your damage to the 85 damage range, but locks your Val to single fire, reduces fire rate to 500 RPM, reduces your magazine size to 10 rounds, reduces ammo pickup rate by 50%, and reduces total ammo capacity by 50% (drops your ammo pickup rate down to 3-6).
The Release SPP ammo pokes fun of the Season 6 launch state ammo that broke the game in half and functionally serves as the existing SPP ammo, but with the benefits and penalties greatly increased. Although the Payday 2 version sadly does not penetrate through every wall in the game, it does penetrate shields, thin walls, and enemy body armor. The meme SPP ammo also bumps up your damage to 111 rather than 85, but reduces your ammo pickup rate and total capacity by 75%, which should theoretically drop the ammo pickup rate down to 2-4 bullets per box. I am not too into Payday 2's meta, but I vaguely recall seeing ~111 damage on the Blackmarket being the value needed to two shot headshot tans with Underdog's damage boost on higher difficulties.
Known Issues:
-The Magazines & mag release will clip through the magwell during reloads due to the original game assuming you'll be doing parkinsons tactical speed reloads.
-You'll hold the SPP/Small Magazines by The Force due to how the regular AS Val anims were set up.
-Depending on your optic/magnifier of choice, it might be awkwardly hanging off the sight rail.
-Some optics may or may not properly add the sight rail. I am told my own Operator Red Dot curiously has this problem, but I am unable to re-create the issue.
Probable Future Asked Questions:
Q: Can you revert the angled crouch hold to a more natural position?
A: It was originally an error on the decimal placements of the crouch stances, but given the large amount of "tactical" viewmodel mods that involve angling a bunch of guns 30-45 degrees, I left it in to see if people actually like it or think it's really stupid and silly.
If there are enough people complaining about the angled crouch stance being wacky or unnatural, I will change the crouched stance to a more natural hold stance.
Q: Can I get rid of the semi auto lock on the SPP Conversions? For the full auto VSS experience?
A: The Semi auto lock was to match its depiction in MW2019. If you want the full auto VSS experience, delete the following code in the SPP ammo's mod code:
<value_node value="fire_mode_single"/>
Be very careful when working with the XML, as a misplaced / or > could cause an entire XML format error that causes the game to become incapable of reading the XML.
Q: Blueprints!
A: No.
Q: Skinmaps?
A: Too much effort.
Q: Frenchy: AR15 Stocks? MW2019 did have that one Vector stock on the Val!
A: No. Stop trying to turn everything into an AR15.
Q: Do MW2022 weapons!
A: Need the models/textures to do anything with MW2022 weapons.
A: Tell the moderation team to let me release stuff early, or wait until the game is fully released.
Q: Werent you supposed to be working on Halo guns?
A: The occasional shower thought when working on Halo weapons leads to me trying out new things on MW2019 weapons. In this case, optimizations on working with a certain insult to rifles gave me an idea on how to align parts on MW2019 weapons better, which I first tested on the AS Val before trying it on the MW2019 M4.
Q: REEEE the tryhard laserbeam with no mag size is too borken/week!!!!! needs buff/nerf!!!
A: Go into the files and change the stats yourself.