It has been a while since I made a LAS port. Nonethless, I have returned and I've made a port along with Jacket (8).
Check this 4 minute showcase on what this bundle has to offer down below.
Text form:
This bundle features:
- Postal Dude Cop Uniform Character Port (LAS SKIN) Featuring Complete Support for all the Masks and Gloves in the game.
- Edensin Police Officer Hat - Blend in with the Crowd of the boys and gals in Blue.
- Two Melee Weapons to Complete The Set (Taser Baton - Two variations;
- Highest quality port available on the market with tons of love from the creator.
Installation: Drop the folder from the archive to your mod_overrides folder, example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2\assets\mod_overrides
If you don't know how to install mod_override mods, please refer to this guide!
Note: The mod folder is inside a .7z archive, which requires a program called 7-Zip in order to extract it.
See the Dependencies and Instructions tab to know more on this.
As for the stuff, you'll find Postal Dude in the Outfits tab alongside the versions that support the gloves/masks in the outfits tab inside your inventory.
The Mask: Inventory > Masks > Mods
Melee Weapons: Inventory > Melee > Last Page
Requirements for this mod in order to work properly:
Legendary Armour Skins
Enjoy! All the masks in the game and gloves (including custom ones, such as the OVERKILL Gauntlet from AVGN mod or the Arm Warmers by Cpone) are also supported!
Do you like my work? Feel free to leave a tip it helps a ton :)