Created using Maple Maniac's Perk Deck Maker.
This is the first mod that I've uploaded on this site, and I wanted to update this silly mod because I'm feeling for a Payday 2 mood nowadays. I've moved, removed, and re-described some Perk Deck pieces and descriptions to better reflect what actually is being granted by the True Iron Man Perk Deck. I'm still a novice at modding in general anyway. Please enjoy.
Note: this may or may not refund all of your Perk Points from all other Perk Decks if you disable this mod with Perk Points allocated into it. This mod shouldn't be the reason your game keeps you in Friends-only mode, but I might be wrong.
Update 6/21/2024
Download trueIronGiantMan.rar for the latest release of this Perk Deck.
Updated Perk Deck descriptions to better reflect what is actually being granted by each individual Card. Removed some attributes that were anti-synergistic. See below for what should be the full list of what you should expect from this Perk Deck.
True Iron Man
Your Armor is your life.
This Perk Deck is overpowered by design, and combines a mish-mash of bonuses beneficial to making your Armor as maniacal as possible. Please enjoy the experience to the fullest extent.
Perk Deck Bonuses
Iron Giant I | 800 Perk Points
Gain bonuses from the Armorer and Anarchist Perk Decks.
You gain 35% more Armor, 10% Armor Recovery rate, and 2 seconds of invincibility when your Armor breaks.
50% of your Health is converted to 120% more Armor. You do not gain the Anarchist's passive Armor regeneration.
Iron Giant II | 1600 Perk Points
Gain bonuses from the Burglar and Hitman Perk Decks.
You gain 20% Armor Recovery rate when crouched and standing still. You do not gain the Burgler's Stealth bonuses.
You gain 45% Armor Recovery rate and automatic Armor recovery after 1.5 seconds of your Armor breaking. Automatic Armor recovery procs require 15 seconds of cooldown. You do not gain the Hitman's Akimbo bonuses.
Iron Giant III | 4000 Perk Points
Gain bonuses from the Crew Chief and Infiltrator Perk Decks.
You gain 8% Damage Reduction, 6% Damage Reduction when within medium range of an enemy, 20% more Health, and 10% more Armor. You do not provide the Crew Chief's team bonuses.
You gain 12% Damage resistance when surrounded by 3 or more enemies and 24% Damage Reduction when within medium range of an enemy. You do not gain the Infiltrator's Melee damage bonuses and Health regeneration.
Iron Giant IV | 9600 Perk Points
Gain bonuses from the Yakuza and Maniac Perk Decks.
You slowly gain up to 60% Armor Recovery as your Health drops. You do not gain the Yakuza's speed bonuses.
You gain all effects of Hysteria. You do not provide the Maniac's team bonuses.
Iron Giant V | 16000 Perk Points
Gain bonuses from the Ex-President and Biker Perk Decks.
You now gain the ability to store Health for regeneration when you and your team kills enemies. You heal with stored Health when your Armor regenerates after breaking. Killing enemies also speed up your Armor Recovery rate. You do not gain the Ex-President's Health and Dodge bonuses.
All of the Biker's Perk Deck bonuses are applied to you.
Original Release 7/13/2022
Behold, the True Iron Man Perk Deck. This Perk Deck combines many Armor-beneficial bonuses from almost all Perk Decks (excluding the Perk Decks that introduce an item in the Throwable slot). I originally wanted to create a Perk Deck that simply combines the effects of Anarchist and Maniac... but I then told myself, "Why stop there?" Hence, the product right here.
Since this is my first public mod, I have zero idea how to actually balance things. I've therefore chosen to have all Deck-exclusive cards require triple the Perk Points.
This Perk Deck obviously only functions in Solo Play or with Friends. It is also obviously OP in the majority of content.
Perk Deck Bonuses
Ultimate Armor I | 600 Perk Points
Gain the highest possible Armor bonuses from the Armorer Perk Deck. You gain 35% more Armor, 10% faster Armor Recovery, and two seconds of invulnerability when your Armor breaks.
Ultimate Armor II | 1200 Perk Points
Gain the highest possible Armor bonuses from the Burglar and Hitman Perk Decks. You gain 30 Armor per kill and another 30 Armor per close-range kill, each with a one second cooldown. You also gain 45% Armor Recovery. When your Armor breaks, it automatically regenerates after 1.5 seconds regardless of the situation. When Armor automatically regenerates, it has a cooldown of 15 seconds.
Ultimate Armor III | 3000 Perk Points
Gain the highest possible Armor bonuses from the Crew Chief and Infiltrator Perk Decks. You gain 10% more Armor and an 8% Damage Reduction. You also get another 24% Damage Reduction from enemies at close range.
Ultimate Armor IV | 7200 Perk Points
Gain the highest possible Armor bonuses from the Yakuza and Maniac Perk Decks. You gain 60% Armor Recovery below 50% Health. You also gain all effects of Hysteria, but only for yourself.
Ultimate Armor V | 12000 Perk Points
Gain the highest possible Armor bonuses from the Ex-President, Anarchist, and Biker Perk Decks. Armor now regenerates over time. You gain 120% more Armor and gain 30 Armor upon damaging an enemy. You proc 5% Armor restore per kill from you or your crew, with a maximum of 10 kills every 15 seconds. Every 10% Health missing grants 1 Armor per proc and every 10% Armor missing hastens the proc cooldown. Killing enemies hasten Armor Recovery.